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Day 2


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Good Morning,

i started the whole30 yesterday. I thought I would have a partner that would be sharing this experience with me, but my boyfriend and I had a sudden and difficult break up. I had also planned on starting on Monday the 5th but I decided to give myself a day to recover from the shock. 

Anyway, here I am, day 2 on my own. I have 2 kids in my home so I cannot get rid of the no compliant food. I also drank alcohol pretty regularly so weekends may be difficult. But I am ready to commit to myself. 

I started a long divorce process 2 years ago during which I steadily gained weight. I have indulged and basically let myself go. I don’t want to do it for another day....not one more day.

i didn’t think yesterday was too hard but I did crave sugar and chocolate in the afternoon. There is something about the kids coming home from school that just makes me want sweets. I also went to bed hungry and woke up starving (I don’t see this as a bad thing).

i am looking forward to seeing and feeling results.

TYIA for the support.


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Dang, sorry to hear about your breakup! Make sure you're eating enough food overall to help avoid those cravings. And if it does get to the point where you simply must eat something, go for protein and fat. Using fruits on their own or with nuts/nut products is not going to help you kick that sweet craving!

When the kids get home from school, can you do something fun for 30 minutes or so? Group coloring? Or play a quick board game? Something that is fun for them and that you look forward to and which reprograms that part of your brain from "kids come home = snacks" to "kids come home = fun!"

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Congratulations for being ready to commit for yourself in the face of difficulty! So sorry you have to go though that but also so glad you found the forum. There are lots of great folks here that are always ready to lend a helping hand. 

I think I would be miserable if I was going to bed hungry and waking up hungry. It would = deprivation in my mind and I find W30 anything BUT deprivation. Even though I was eating pretty well anyway, it gave me the kick in the pants that I needed to fix more flavorful meals and not just cook up a protein and saute or steam a veg (even though that's always an option when you're in a jam for time or don't have an alternative plan).

Good luck and come back often!

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Wow that is a rough way to start-I am sorry about your breakup. But I think this journey will help you so much! I just finished on Jan 30 and found it really empowering to be in 100% control of the food I put into my body. I think having some healthy carbs every day (sweet potatoes are my fave) will help with mood and with cravings, at least it does for me. I was hungry in between meals the first week, partly due to getting used to not snacking and partly because I wasn't eating enough fat. Fat (coconut, homemade mayo, avocado etc) is your friend!

Just tell yourself you will succeed, no matter what. As we like to say in our house: Do or do not, there is no try (credit to Yoda, maybe?) I think this mindset is important. Good luck! This forum is a great resource!

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