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Start date Sept. 9th, 2018 - doing great!


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Hi there!

I just started and am trying to figure this out. Surprisingly, after failing over and over for the past year at giving up sugar, flour, and grains on the Paleo, I'm doing really well at the Whole30. Could someone explain the 30 concept? I plan to keep going after 30 days on this plan. However, i'm confused, because I see people posting that they've done it 3 or 4 times. Does that mean 3 or 4 months?

Thank you!



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The Whole 30 concept  is to eliminate all of the potentially problematic foods (sugar, alcohol, grains, dairy and legumes) for 30 days, then re-introduce one at a time to personally understand the negative effects foods have on oneself.  I've done two Whole 30's, which simply means, after the first, I followed the rules MOSTLY for a few months, then decided to do another to reset myself.  Hope that helps...

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