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Picking a start date


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This may seem like a silly question, but I am planning to start Whole30 and was initially planning to start March 1. Then I realized, March 1 is a Thursday - for the sake of simplicity, should I start on a Sunday or Monday (i.e. February 25 or 26) so my whole week is Whole30? Or should I stick with the "neat"-ness of having March 1-March 30 as my Whole30? Thanks in advance!

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You should do whatever makes the most sense for you. Some people have to do grocery shopping on weekends, or have the most time to prep foods for the week on a weekend, and if that's the case for you, starting on a Monday may make the most sense. Some like the neatness of the dates matching up with the day they're on. That's fine. Some decide on a whim to just go for it and start within a day or two of deciding they're going to do it -- and for some that works really well, while for others, they find they'd have had and easier time if they'd spent a little more time prepping. A few people look at the timeline of what you may experience, and plan days 4-5 to be on the weekend so they're not around as many people during a "Kill All The Things" phase. That is also a perfectly valid way to decide when to start.

Basically, do what feels right for you, for whatever reason makes sense to you. There's really not a wrong day to start, as long as you start.

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