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Is my workout really a workout?


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Day 1 for me- it's going well. but wondering about the pre workout food and post workout food. Not sure I really need it... don't want to overeat. I am 62 and my workouts are n't hard core like they used to be.  Today I had a 60 minute yoga class with moderate exertion.  Tomorrow I will do 40 minutes of stairmaster and 20 minutes of the stationary bike.  I guess I would say moderately.. not total flat all out ! So should I skip the extra food?  

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That's entirely up to you but if you exert yourself, work up a sweat, increase your breathing rate, then you're working out and that deserves at least the post workout meal. It's not a lot of extra food... a few bites of lean protein and starchy carb is recommended for post workout so you're not eating an entire meal.

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