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Wendy's W30 :o)


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Apparently it's not obvious at all what it is or what's causing it but the doctor suggested the facial swelling could be an allergic reaction and the rest some sort of skin infection in relation to this. But they were quite open about not being sure, hence taking multiple precautions.

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I had frozen shoulder last year. It took 6 months of physical therapy but it is now resolved. I am just curious if you have had your thyroid checked recently, as my PT had indicated that is some patients there is a connection between frozen shoulder and thyroid issues.

Seriously?!? My chiropractor informed me several months ago that I have a "winging" shoulder. Basically a frozen shoulder since I couldn't control that should blade as much. She recommended PT but I couldn't fit that into my schedule between work, preparing paleo foods, and general exercise. Add to that my acupuncture and chiropractic appointments and I rarely have time to get the sleep and relaxation or play time that I need. However, she did recommend that I also get a full panel run to test my thyroud, not just the general TVH (?) test.

I am waiting for my new general doctor to become available so I can get my physical and blood tests. With this interesting connection, I may get my physical done sooner at a local ZoomCare rather than waiting...

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