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So, I have been interested in diet, nutrition, weight loss, fitness, etc for most of my professional life. I have never been able to completely commit. Sugar is a very addictive thing!! And the emotional memories you get from eating certain foods ..( Hershey kiss cookies DEFINE Christmas!! -) . But , I have always had to contend with my weight. I have lost and gained, and lost over the past 20 years. For the past year and half, I have committed to exercise and dieting....and have maintained my weight. But, now I want to be healthy on the inside! I found the Whole 30 and it just made sense. My husband is a chef...and knows how to cook healthy , seasonal foods. I also have one daughter that struggles as I do. My motivation is not only for my own health, but hers also. She is 17...if we can teach correct eating habits now...maybe she won't struggle through her 20's and 30's like I did. It just makes sense to eat the foods as close as possible to what God put on the planet. I am also a health care provider..so my other motivation is to help my patients. So, here we are....the whole fam-damily. Thanks for your support!!

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If you are searching for a healthy lifestyle, you are on the right track. You will find a completely new perspective on the importance of your sugar addiction. I was shocked to find how much control it had over my life, and I have gradually left it behind along with cravings and uncontrolled eating (that internal thought of "what the heck am I DOING????" -- yeah that). I am excited for you and your daughter.

I wish I had thought to marry a chef, though -- smart move on your part!

Good luck in your journey!


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