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Sweet potatoes ...

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I love sweet potatoes! I have an air fryer, so I love to cut them up and air fry them with some oil and salt/garlic. My worry is that I'll eat them too much doing the whole 30! Should I be worried if I have sweet potatoes almost every day?? 

I am NOT a veggie fan. Most of the time it's a texture things for me - some cooked veggies literally make me gag. So I'm going to struggle with the veggie part. Any ideas/tips/tricks will be greatly appreciated!!!

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Sweet potatoes air fried will likely be *very* easy for your to overeat. Honestly, if you're worried about it, I'd skip the sweet potato fries. 

Try new vegetables. Try new ways of cooking other ones. The issue a lot of people seem to have with cooked veg is that they're either cooking it wrong for the type of veg that it is or over-cooking it. Delicious asparagus can very easily turn into a disgusting mess if it's been cooked too long. To me, roasted zucchini or summer squash is horrible, but grilled just long enough to get some grill marks and be a little softened is delicious. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

If cooked veggies are less preferable, try raw or very lightly cooked. You can steam sautee green beans so that they're still crunchy, but also warm and greener. Try bell peppers, baby carrots, or celery dipped in compliant ranch. I personally love cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage) but only if their roasted. Steamed or raw are pretty yucky to me, especially when they're over cooked. In this case, I'd say Google is your best friend :P

The other thing you could do is try some of those tricks on parenting websites (How to get your kids to eat veggies!). Incorporate veggies into your meals. You can wilt greens into a hot soup, mix finely diced peppers and onions into scrambled eggs, mix a lot of stuff into a hearty chili. Just figure out what your main dish is and see what veggies you can cook into it!

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