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My husband is hungry all the time

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My husband and I did our first Whole30 last year and it is time to do it again.  But my husband was hungry ALL the time.  I would make huge egg scrambles for breakfast and made sure he had lots of protein and maybe a potato for lunch and lots of snacks.  I was so prepared food wise and made sure we had lots of variety and LOTS to eat.  But my husband was always hungry and he complained about it all the time.  I could hear his stomach growling at night.  Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do to make this go around better for him?  He loved all of the non scale results as well as the scale results.  Thanks, Karen

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Yep, your husband needs to eat more. It's hard to say how much he was eating but if you are the primary food-preparer/server in the house, it's possible that you are looking at his portions with your own eyes rather than his. It should be eggs as many as HE can hold in one hand without dropping; think 4-5-6. Protein should be HIS palm length, width, thickness x 1 or 2. Fat should be HIS thumb x 1 or 2. Although it may look like he's eating "lots" it is obviously not lots for him.


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And don't underestimate the fat! I thought I was eating perfect template meals when I did my first Whole30, but when I went back and read my food log a couple of months later, I really wasn't eating that much fat at all. 

So, remember to make sure he's got plenty of fat as that will help him stay full. Cooking fat doesn't count! Make sure to add an option or two of fats to each and every meal. 

I hope that helps! Good luck! No one wants to feel hungry for a month! 

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