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Vanessa’s whole30 log


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Day 0 (4/20)

I binged and ate all the things. I felt awful while eating it (except the ice cream, that was heavenly) and more awful afterwards. I woke up multiple times during the night and had a very upset stomach during the night and the first half of day 1.

Day 1 (4/21)

I felt awful (because of my day 0 binge). I’m quitting coffee so that didn’t help. I ate:

1: 1/2 banana, eggs, avocado, red peppers, onion, portobello mushroom

2: chicken salad over mixed greens with red peppers, onion and grapes with a little olive oil and a few strawberries and an orange slice 

3: lemon garlic pan seared trout with brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes and onion with some grapes and banana slices

drinks: water and like 5(!!) cups of chamomile tea

snacks: one handful of almonds and then (at a different time) carrots and almond butter (I need to try to stop this - hopefully figuring out the right amount of food for meals will come)

Day 2 (4/22):

1: eggs with fresh salsa and avocado

post work-out: small amount of leftover chicken salad 

2: two celery sticks with almond butter, big veggie salad with tuna and a mandarin 

3: butternut squash soup with a few pumpkin seeds and chicken/sweet potato/apple hash with grapes and strawberries 

snacks: none!! I’m fighting the urge to eat something post dinner. I want something but I’m not hungry so I’m just saying no  

I felt pretty good all day. I worked out (body pump session) and was able to successfully increase my squat weight so that was good. We worked in the yard too so I’m pretty exhausted. I was feeling pretty irritable a few hours ago but I think that had more to do with my screaming little ones than Whole30 effects. I got some prep done today for the week and made extra soup and hash so I can have an alternative to eggs and salads for breakfast/ lunch. So all in all so far so good! Let’s see how the work week goes...

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Day 3 (4/23):

1: eggs, tomato salsa, avocado, spinach and one banana

2: butternut squash soup w/ pumpkin seeds, a mandarin, big mixed green salad w/ tomato, almond slivers, egg and red pepper w/ oil and balsamic vinegar 

3: pork chop w/ spiced applesauce 

Non-water drinks: 4 cups decaf English breakfast tea w/ coconut milk

snacks: 2 spoonfuls of almond butter 

I slept really well last night - I don’t think I moved at all. I felt good most of the day. I was pretty hungry for lunch but went for a walk to hold off until 11:30. My mood was ok for most of the day but I was pretty crabby this evening. We ate dinner early to get to tee ball so I was legitimately hungry this evening (hence the almond butter and one of the cups of tea). Into the office for work tomorrow- the land of donuts and lunch meeting leftovers...

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Day 4 (4/24):

1: leftover chicken and sweet potato hash

2: mixed green salad, tomato, red pepper, almond slices, 2 eggs, balsamic vinegar and oil and leftover butternut squash soup

pre-work out snack: meat stick and handful of shredded coconut 

3: sweet potato, red pepper with scrambled eggs and pork sausages 

non-water drinks: 4 cups decaf English breakfast tea w/ coconut milk

snacks: handful of almonds between breakfast and lunch (breakfast was definitely not big enough today)

I slept ok last night but not great. I had a few odd dreams that I remembered, which was unusual. I was in a MUCH better mood today than yesterday - much more patient with the family. I did a body pump workout tonight and had a normal amount of energy. I was able to keep my increased weights throughout again. 

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Day 5 (4/25):

1: leftover pork chop, tomato/onion/jalapeño/garlic salsa, handful of blueberries 

2: leftover pork chop, leftover spiced applesauce, leftover sweet potato hash, banana

3: two turkey sausages, half a sweet potato, one banana and a handful of shredded coconut 

non-water drinks: 1 cup English breakfast tea w/ coconut milk and one container of coconut water

snacks: one Rxbar

I slept ok - had some dreams that I remembered ok. My bad mood seems to be gone. I feel like I have a normal energy level. I had a stressful situation at work today. I wanted to snack afterwards but I went for a walk instead. I wasn’t hungry between meals but dinner was early tonight so Im hungry now. I’m taking the Rxbar and the coconut water to a friends house. We usually hang out and have a glass of wine once a week. These will be my alternative and it works well because I’m legitimately hungry. 

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Day 6 (4/26)

1: eggs, spinach, tomatoes, jalapeños, garlic with a handful of blueberries and a handful of shredded coconut on the side. 

2: baby spinach salad with strawberries, red onion, blueberries, chicken chunks, sliced almonds with an olive and apple cider dressing with a hard boiled egg

3: coconut curry chicken w/ cauliflower rice with a side of blueberries, grapes and coconut 

non-water drinks: 2 cups English breakfast tea w/ coconut milk, small glass coconut water

snacks: two Rxbars, one handful of almonds 

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Day 7 (4/27)

pre-workout: a few chicken chunks

1/ post-work out: coconut curry chicken w/ cauliflower rice; blueberries/ grapes; hard boiled egg; 1/2 avocado

2: coconut curry chicken, brussel sprouts w/ balsamic; celery w/ almond butter & raisins

3: banger sausage patties w/ sweet potato mash & caramelized onions

drinks: 2 cups English breakfast tea w/ coconut milk

snacks: rxbar, small amount of shredded coconut/ raisins/ almonds

Day 8 (4/28)

1: eggs, mushrooms, spinach, tomato, onion; 1/2 avocado; sweet potato mash @ caramelized onion

2: 2 hard boiled eggs, chicken chunks, mango, shredded coconut/almonds/raisins

3: grilled chicken, fruit cup

drinks: 2 cups English breakfast tea with coconut milk

snacks: rxbar, small amount of almonds/ dried mango/ one coconut wrapped date


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Day 9 (4/29) [almost double digits!]

1: leftover chicken coconut curry and cauliflower rice, hard boiled egg, ground beef w/ onion

post work out: some ground beef w/ onion

2: spinach, salsa, guacamole, ground beef w/onion w/ a side of strawberries 

3: ginger citrus glazed halibut, sweet potatoes, asparagus w/ a handful of grapes and 2 dates

snacks: kids Rxbar, a few dried mango slices and a few dates

non-water drinks: one coconut water and two cups English breakfast tea w/ coconut milk

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Day 10 (4/30)

Pre-work out: kids Rxbar

1: baby spinach, ground beef w/ onion, guac and tomato/onion/jalapeno/garlic salsa

snack: english breakfast tea w/ coconut milk and one date

2: beet noodles, one piece celery with almond butter and raisins, boiled egg, 2 sausage patties, side of red grapes

3: salmon with diced tomatoes, garlic and capers with a side of fruit and a side of cauliflower rice with asparagus and mushrooms

snack: Rxbar

I went spinning this morning and has much more energy than during yesterday's workout.  We had an early dinner again because of tee-ball so I am hungry now.  I'm going to have an Rxbar - especially because I have to fast tonight for bloodwork tomorrow so I won't have my early breakfast as usual.

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Day 11 (5/1):

1: baby spinach salad with strawberries and grapes w/ leftover citrus glaze and 3 hardboiled eggs, a banana and a handful of coconut

2: baby spinach salad with tomato/onion/garlic/jalapeno salsa, guac and ground turkey w/ onions and a banana and a hardboiled egg

pre-workout: Rxbar

3: eggs, turkey sausage, roasted sweet potatoes w/ a side of fruit (mango, strawberries, grapes)

I stopped at the gym on the way home from work and my energy level was decent.  I normally work out in the morning because I'm too tired in the evening.  I also went on a long walk with the family after dinner.

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Day 12 (5/2):

1: eggs with/ asparagus, tomato/onion/garlic/jalapeño salsa, half an avacado and a pear

2: beat noodles, sweet potato, hard boiled egg and one turkey sausage

3: chicken, apple and sweet potato hash w/ a side of mango, pear and grapes

non-water drinks: 3 cups English breakfast tea with coconut milk

snacks: two dates and carrots with almond butter

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Day 13 (5/3):

1: avacado oil eggs w/ asparagus, portobello mushroom and tomato with a cup of English breakfast tea w/ coconut milk

2: beet noodles cooked in avacado oil, ground turkey w/ onion, brussel sprouts cooked in avocado oil, red and orange pepper slices

snack: English breakfast tea with coconut milk and 2 dates

3: 2 compliant hot dogs (no bun), potato/ leek soup, cauliflower rice

snack: 4 chunks of chicken, handful of almonds, English breakfast tea with coconut milk 

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Day 14 (5/4)

pre-workout: 4 chunks of chicken 

1: sweet potato hash w/ apple

snack: (not enough breakfast) pear

2: potato/leak soup, beet noodles (in avocado oil), brussel sprouts (in avocado oil); chicken pieces

3: scallops, mixed veggies, roasted sweet potatoes, side of fruit

snack: two dates, handful of almonds


Definitely more energy today. Cravings have been reduced as well. 

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Day 15 (5/5)

1: 2 fried eggs, pumpkin/apple/banana/pecan bake

2: baby spinach salad with guacamole, ground turkey, salsa and fresh tomato with 5 pieces of fresh pineapple 

snack: 2 dates, handful of almonds, chicken chunks

3: filet and roasted brussel sprouts w/ bacon

slep well but woke up too early. I took a 30 min nap this afternoon and I feel pretty good now. Pretty gassy after dinner. 

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Day 16 (5/6):

1: eggs, guacamole and salsa w/ a banana 

post-work out: chicken chunks and sweet potato chunks

2: baby spinach w/ mandarins, strawberries and blueberries w/ a side of bell peppers and coconut flakes and red grapes

3: baby spinach w/ salsa, guacamole and chicken w/ side of fruit and butternut squash soup with pumpkin seeds

snack: English breakfast tea w/ coconut milk and kids Rxbar

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Day 17 (5/7)

pre-work out: a few chicken chunks and some coconut chips

1: eggs, spinach, tomato w/ an apple and almond butter, cup of English breakfast tea with coconut milk

2: spinach salad with tomato, red peppers, ground turkey/onion, guacamole w/ a side of butternut squash soup with pumpkin seeds

snack: Rxbar

3: riced cauliflower w/ coconut curry chicken w/ a side of bananas, strawberries and blackberries 

snack: coconut water and a beef stick

I had more energy today for sure. I went to spin this morning and still had energy to go for two walks and scoot with the kids (20,000 steps today). I was definitely more hungry today though too. My stomach seems to have calmed a bit. 

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Day 18 (5/8)

pre-workout: a few chicken chunks and some coconut flakes

1: eggs, tomato, spinach w/ roasted butternut squash on the side and a side of blackberries and coconut

snack: 3 dates

2: spinach salad w/ strawberries, blueberries, blackberries with a few almond slices with fresh orange juice as a dressing w/ celery and almond butter and bell peppers on the side

3: mashed sweet potatoes w/ carmelized onion, turkey sausages, green beans and a slice of orange 

snack: Rxbar

I did body pump today and went for a walk.  I still felt pretty energetic (but hungry) all day. I finished up the dates today and I won’t be buying more as it’s pretty obvious I can’t stop eating them...

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Day 19 (5/9)

1 - eggs and tomato, leftover mashed sweet potato, green beans, English breakfast tea with coconut milk

2 - baby spinach salad w/ chicken, sliced almonds, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and fresh orange juice dressing w/ sliced bell peppers, hard boiled egg and celery w/ almond butter 

3 - chicken, riced butternut squash, celery with almond butter and raisins w/ a side of pineapple, blueberries and grapes 

snack: cup of tea and hard boiled egg 

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Day 19 (5/10)

Pre-workout: chicken chunks and shredded coconut

1: eggs, tomato, onion w/ roasted butternut squash and green beans

2: vegan “tuna” salad, a red pepper, blackberries/pineapple, Brussels sprouts w/ avocado oil

3: ground turkey, guacamole, Brussels sprouts with avocado oil, some carrot spirals (ended up throwing it away) and pineapple/blueberries/banana

snack: spoon of almond butter

I also had a cup of English breakfast tea w/ coconut milk earlier in the day. 

My energy levels were good. Did a spin class this morning (it was brutal). I feel like my shirts are getting tighter around the legs but the waist feels looser. 

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Day 20 (5/11)

pre-work out: hard boiled egg

post-work out: meat stick

1: eggs, pumpkin/apple/egg bake, English breakfast tea with coconut milk 

2: Larabar, ground turkey, guacamole, celery with almond butter, yellow pepper, pineapple and blueberries 

3: sirloin steak, roasted broccoli, roasted sweet potato

I currently really want to eat but I’m not at all hungry so I’m really trying to NOT eat something else.  Might have a cup of tea. 

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Day 21 (5/12)

1: eggs, pumpkin/apple/egg bake, honeydew, Rxbar

2: Rxbar, epic meat stick, salad

3: salmon, shallots, sun dried tomatoes, spinach, sweet potato 

snacks: several coconut wrapped dates

I just wanted to eat all day today - more so than normal. Not sure what’s up with that.

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Day 22 (5/13)

1: leftover sirloin, mango/pineapple salsa, guacamole and two fried eggs

post-workout: beef stick, coconut water, raisins 

2: leftover salmon, shallots, sun dried tomatoes, spinach, sweet potato w/ yellow mango and roasted broccoli 

Post-yard work snack: fruit/veggie Luna bar, pecans

3: carnitas salad from chipotle with guacamole and salsa

Also one cup of English breakfast tea with coconut milk.

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Day 23 (5/14)

pre-work out: hard boiled egg and small handful of coconut

1: eggs with tomato and spinach, pumpkin/apple/banana/pecan bake and roasted cinnamon sweet potato and a cup of English breakfast tea with coconut milk

2: roasted broccoli (so good!), leftover salmon with artichoke/sun dried tomatoes/shallots/spinach with a side of mango, honeydew and blueberries 

snack: mango/spinach larabar

3: orange/ginger/garlic glazed salmon with snow peas and sweet potato with a side of mango, honeydew and strawberries 

Snack: apple with almond butter and cup of English breakfast tea with coconut milk 

I have been doing really well with my workouts. Pre-whole 30 I was doing 3 body pump classes and an occasional extra workout a week.  I’ve been adding classes and seem to still have energy and am not crazy tired getting up at 5am. I did a spin class this morning and felt really good. I was really hungry all day today. I tried (unsuccessfully) not to snack. Pretty sure I’m eating enough at meals so I’m not sure if this is the extra exercise or what.

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Day 24 (5/15)

pre-work out: egg, small handful of coconut 

post-work out: beef stick

1: eggs/tomato/spinach, carrots, pumpkin bake

2: salmon, mixed fruit, roasted broccoli 

snack: (not a big enough lunch) larabar

3: chicken, pineapple/mango salsa, cinnamon sweet potato, roasted broccoli, mixed fruit

snack: apple w/ almond butter 

Great energy during today’s workout. I’m pretty sure I pulled something in my back while lifting two huge half wine barrels into my cart at Ace - hopefully this is short-lived...

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Day 25 (5/16):

1: eggs,spinach,tomato and some other stuff I cannot remember 

2: salmon, mango, red pepper and strawberry/coconut/banana bake

3: curry chicken w/ riced broccoli, roasted yellow squash and mixed fruit

Day 26 (5/17):

pre-workout: small handful of coconut, hard boiled egg 

1: eggs, carrots, strawberry/coconut/banana bake

2: curry chicken, yellow squash, veggie/fruit larabar, English breakfast tea with coconut milk, blueberries/pineapple, celery/almond butter 

3: two hamburger patties with guacamole and a fried egg, pineapple and carrots 

snack: English breakfast tea with coconut milk and an Rxbar


My back is still stiff but loosened up during the spin class this morning. Great energy level and mood. I’m running out of food and REALLY need to go to the grocery store..

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Day 27 (5/18)

pre-workout: hard boiled egg and handful of coconut 

post-work out: beef stick

1: eggs, strawberry/coconut/banana bake

snack: apple w/ almond butter and English breakfast tea with coconut milk

2: strawberry/coconut/banana bake, two hard boiled eggs, several slices of turkey, blueberries and pineapple 

3: steak, sweet potato w/ cinnamon and squash, zucchini and carrots

I may have a cup of tea and something small this evening. My energy levels are still great. I did body pump this morning. The lower back strain from the other day seems to be pretty much completely gone. I’m starting to think about reintroduction. We were out to dinner tonight and my husband and kids got dessert. My husband had some kind of chocolate mousse thing - I didn’t feel like I was missing out. My kids had ice cream. I definitely was a little jealous of that. I don’t really miss dairy (ice cream as the exception) or grains surprisingly. I think I’ll do the full reintroduction just to know how everything affects me but overall I’m hoping to keep eating fairly cleanly. I think I mostly miss the ease of eating out; it’s currently kind of stressful. 

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