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Endometriosis meds and Whole30

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I was recently diagnosed with endometriosis and am in the process of getting my six month treatment. This is a series of (2) 3-month shots. This process started prior to me learning about Whole30 and I plan on starting Whole30 in a few days. Is it ok to start while my treatment is going on and will it affect my results of Whole30?

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It should be fine to start, unless your doctor has told you there are foods you should avoid. Many people find that whole30 affects their hormones, evidenced by things like changes in menstrual cycles, or severity of pms symptoms, so if the endometriosis treatment also involves a hormonal component, you might notice more changes than the average person would. However, there shouldn't be anything inherently harmful about eating lots of veggies, protein, and healthy fats.

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