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I’m excited to start my first Whole30 next week, but I’m really nervous too. I’ve had Crohn’s Disease for 29 years, and had a total colectomy with a j- pouch for over 20 years. While my digestive symptoms have been in remission for several years thanks to Remicaid, I’ve recently been experiencing inflammation in my joints and my thyroid and my eczema has been flaring. On top of that, I feel like my eating is out of control...too much sugar, too many carbs and too often reaching for the wrong thing for a snack. Whole30 sounds like what I need to take back control and hopefully calm down the inflammation. My concern is digestive issues while on the program. I’d love to hear from other CD patients if you have any tips to share. 

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Have you searched through the forum?  Google is the best way to search so 'whole30 crohns disease' would likely bring up many past discussions about this particular medical issue.  I know we've had many discussions on it so while it won't be real time conversation, you may find some nuggets of wisdom or encouragement if you search through those threads.

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