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Copper Toxicity, MTHFR, and Whole 30

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Hi Friends!

I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with using Whole 30 to help the copper overload detox process go smoothly. I learned of my MTHR mutation in August but foolishly did not do my research and didn't make the link to my copper IUD until the symptoms of copper toxicity impacted my life and my emotional well being. I know there are other threads on here about MTHFR, however I'm curious if anyone has been successful or has any knowledge about how to work through a copper detox using Whole 30. 

I'm familiar with Whole 30 (I've done at least 4 complete 30s) and have suggested it to many people in my life because it was so helpful to me in many ways. Now, after being copper toxic for a year (this was made worse by my IUD but I likely have been for a long time linked to MTHFR) I'm wanting to use whole 30 to help my body detox the heavy metals and other issues associated with MTHFR. I'm wanting to do this in a way that won't take my body years to recover because I'm hoping to prepare for a baby in the coming year or two.  

I'd appreciate any advice or suggestions anyone could give! 


Thanks :) 

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