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Help! On Day 30


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This is more of a "Can I Do___?" question. :) Long story short, I know because of my health conditions that I need to do a Whole 90, and possibly longer. I've read when this is appropriate and believe my motivations are within the guidelines that have been outlined. But is it OK to weigh in and take measurements between rounds (every 30 days)? I'm not trying to sound nit picky, but it's a daunting task to get my health back, and I feel like having some mile markers along the way would be an encouragement. To be clear, the focus is NOT on the scale. My relationship with food has changed, and I want to fuel my body well regardless of what the "hunk of plastic" tells me.

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Yes, I think you could do this. Also make a list every 30 days of your other NON scale victories so that you do not become completely focussed on scale weight as an indicator of success.

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Good advice. I used the Day by Day guide for this round, and it was good to have on hand. But I like the idea of making something a little more visual for NSVs. Maybe even listing them out on a piece of poster board to remind myself to stay focused on better health, not my weight. Thank you for the encouragement!

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