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Loved my first 30 days and want to do this for life

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Hello everyone, I just signed up so I could ask a few questions. First of all I have to say I absolutely love what whole 30 has done for me and my whole family. We just finished our 30 days with ease! I bought the book, the journal and the cookbook and I have to be honest, reading the book scared me a little for what to expect each day. I am a small business owner and work very hard, long days and have tried every diet out there to lose weight but none of them were any good for me as you were only allowed so many caleries, carbs, fat...each day and with the long hours I put in I was shaking in between meals and snacks and going to bed starving because it just wasn't enough food for me to get through my long work day. In results to all of these other diets I failed. We decided to do Whole 30 not just in hopes to lose weight but to feel better and have more energy. We only had a bad day the evening of day 1 and we all had to go to bed at 5pm and sleep until 9pm and then we all got up and ate a meal and went back to bed. Day 2 and up until today have been fantastic! No headaches, no more heartburn, so much more energy, in fact I curse the program sometimes when I wake up at 6am wide awake full of energy when the alarm is set for 7:30! Lol we absolutely love what this program has done for our bodies. My pain and stiffness is gone! I can walk down the stairs from my bedroom to the bathroom each morning with ease as before I would have to take one stair at a time. I also was a lip chap addict all my life and always needed to keep my lips moist. I haven't yet since day 3 needed lip chap. My finger nails are long and strong. I used to sneeze after every meal for as long as I can remember and was stuffed up every morning and since day 1 on whole 30 I have not once sneezed or been stuffed up in the morning. We have many other amazing symptoms that we are all blown away by this and we want to carry on for the rest of our lives. 


My question is this... I would love to lose weight. I only lost 2lbs in 30 days and hey it's better than gaining...but would love to know some tips to see if this can work to lose weight. I am 120lbs over weight and need to get it off. I can't believe on most days how little amount of food I need to feel full.

Every day for breakfast we have 2 eggs and 2 pieces of real bacon( best I have ever had and wish I would have known about it years ago) we have a serving of fruit and sometimes a half or full serving of veggies and cook the eggs in our bacon fat. Sometime we scramble the eggs or make muffin quiches with veggies or poached or fried.

For lunch it's either a palm size serving of protein and veggies and fat and some time a handful of berries and nuts

For supper time always meat and veggies only and no fruit and Ghee on my veggies or oil on my salad. 

I rarely have to snack in the afternoons and never snack in the evenings. 


I am full always. I can't believe how "real food" fills your belly up so much more than processed food. 


Should I cut back on anything? Sometimes after a long hard work day I may have a serving and a half of protein as I worked up an appetite. I absolutely love and always have loved protein. Before Whole 30 I would be so hungry I was shaking and would say "I need protein!" Not "I'm hungry" and my friends and family would always laugh at me but I could never eat empty carbs as that would never satisfy my hunger. 

So if anyone has had great weight loss success with this program and you have any pointers it would be greatly appreciated as I love the way real food makes us feel I would just love to get this weight off. 


Whole 30 has forever changed the way we look at food. It's so funny how we don't have any cravings for junk food or sweets. It must be true that if you don't eat sugar you won't crave it! I also almost get grossed out when I see deep fried or cheese covered recipes on social media as I could never even think of putting foods like that in our mouths again. 


Thanking you all in advance for any help or advice you can provide. 






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