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Start Date Aug 6th - Best tips for preparation? Totally new to this!


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Hello Whole30 Community! I am so looking forward to starting this journey - but let me be honest, I am NERVOUS as well. I've cycled up and down in weight my whole life - always staying active - but always with an unhealthy emotional bond with food. Sugar and carbs being my favorite. My husband is on the fence due to not wanting to miss out on any of the food choices he loves - although he has acid reflux and bad digestion and could REALLY use this. So any tips for getting him on board would be amazing too!

I would LOVE any input on how to best spend my next 10 days preparing for this journey - I have the Whole30 book which I am reading on vacation - but soon I need to start shopping lists and food prep and any other awesome ideas anyone has! Thank you SO much in advance! I look forward to starting and finally, not quitting something.


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If you have 10 days before we start, I would get your meals and meal timing as closely aligned to Whole30 as you can. Start practicing meal prep, get some foods prepared, do a grocery shop when you are not pressed for time so you can get used to reading labels and what to watch for.

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On 7/25/2018 at 9:58 AM, happileeWhole30 said:

My husband is on the fence due to not wanting to miss out on any of the food choices he loves - although he has acid reflux and bad digestion and could REALLY use this. So any tips for getting him on board would be amazing too!

Try to get him to commit to at least 10 days.  Once he realizes how much better he feels he may continue on with you.

Take some meals/recipes that you already use that are close to being compliant and make them so.  Most men are so resistant to change where their stomachs are concerned.  Keep the dishes simple at first.  The recipes in the books are really great, but too much new/change at once can be exhausting. Not to mention the rebellion from anyone not doing the program.  

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