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RASH - Keto Rash / Detox Rash???

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I’m 9 days into my Whole 30 (and 5 months postpartum)! On day 6 a red itchy rash developed along my bra line and on day 7 it spread along both sides of my torso and along my back. From what I can tell from lots of google searches, it appears it could be a "Keto Rash” or a “Detox Rash" - have any of you experienced this at all? Other than it being hideous and super itchy, I’ve not experienced any other effect (that I’m aware of).  I don’t know how it would effect my milk supply but want to ensure it doesn’t as nursing my baby is really important to me. Any insight you're able to provide is MUCH appreciated! And other than the Whole 30 and stepping up my exercise bit, I’ve not made ANY other changes (detergent, clothes, cleaning supplies, etc.) that would cause this.  And I’ve increased my carb intake a bit (in case it is a Keto rash) and it hasn’t made a difference.  I reached out to the Healthy Mama Happy Baby folks and they weren’t aware of this and I’ve got an appointment with a dermatologist on Friday.

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Seeing a doctor is definitely a good step as they can tell you more than anyone here will be able to.

One thing you might look at is if there's something you've started eating on whole30 that you haven't eaten before, or something you're eating a lot more of than you have previously -- some foods cause people to develop rashes. 

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