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Day 11 - Not feeling well

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Today is day #11 and I am not feeling so well. My stomach is bothering me and I have a headache. Last night I made Thai coconut soup and this morning I ate ground beef mixed with veggies and eggs. I ate a banana with a little almond butter about an hour or so after breakfast because my mom tells me that bananas are supposed to help upset stomachs. I am also feeling very tired today. I am not sure why since I did get at least 7 hours of sleep last night. I am still waiting for that "tiger blood" to kick-in. 

I hope that all of you Whole30ers are doing well today! 

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Have you had the coconut soup before, or eaten a fair amount of coconut milk in the past? Maybe it just doesn't agree with you, or you ate a little more than your stomach could handle at once. Or maybe it's not. When we're focused on doing Whole30 we assume everything is related to what we're eating, but it's always possible you picked up a bit of a bug or something. Sometimes there's just not a way to know for sure what caused it.

Banana can help settle your stomach a bit, but the almond butter might not help. Many people find nuts and nut butters can cause digestive issues, and if you're already having such issues, they might be something to avoid. Something like a baked potato or sweet potato with a little salt and a bit of olive or coconut oil or ghee might also help settle your stomach. Peppermint or ginger tea can help as well.

I do hope you're feeling better now and it was just a temporary thing. 

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