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Day 15, rarely hungry, and very few bm's!


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Hi all - 

I've read a few threads out there in this topic and I find most of the replies really encouraging. I'm on Day 15 (so happy to be halfway done!) and I've seen a few positive changes so far, the biggest one being that I don't really crave sugar and I don't really think about food much at all. I had a hard time the first week because I was trying to get over jet lag in a 90 degree house and couldn't find the will to eat that much. But then after that, I've found that I consistently don't feel hungry. I still try to make myself eat three meals a day, despite the lack of interest, and I eat protein with every meal. But one of the weirdest things is that I think I've only gone #2 maybe twice in the last 15 days! Has anyone else had this experience? I blame it on not eating as much garbage (and I've also cut out coffee just cause I can't handle it black and I didn't like it so much with coconut milk), but I do think it's not quite normal... 

And I do eat a good amount of fruit everyday! Probably 4 servings or so a day... 

Any encouragement or words of advice is greatly appreciated!


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How many vegetables do you eat per day? You should be getting 1-3 cups at each meal, so 3-9 cups per day, 3 being a bare minimum. The meal template actually says to fill your plate with vegetables. (You can download the meal template here: https://whole30.com/pdf-downloads/.) You want to have a mix of different types of vegetables. This is where most of your fiber is going to come from. 

Fruit is really recommended to be up to two servings, about the size of a closed fist, each day. You never need fruit, you want to focus on vegetables more.

Also be sure you're drinking lots of water -- aim for 1/2 oz per pound of body weight, so a 120-lb person needs at least 60 oz.  And add fat to your meals, usually a serving or two from the choices on the meal template in addition to whatever oil you cook in.

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Thanks for the feedback, it's helpful to hear a little more detailed explanations of the food we should eat each meal. After looking at the template I can see that I really don't eat enough fat. I use cooking oil regularly, but I don't really eat many butters or avocados or olives. That might help... 

I try to drink a lot of water, but that rate is much more than I drink right now! I will have to work up to that... And I do try to eat quite a few veggies every meal. Sometimes it's challenging because I don't always feel hungry so downing a whole plate of veggies, or even just two servings at a meal, is really hard. But I will work on it!

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