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Probiotics or plain Greek yogurt?


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Anyone doing Whole30 with probiotic supplements? Or better, whole30 with plain Greek yogurt only? Reason I ask...I’m R1D9 and I’m having trouble with all the  meat, am constipated and very bloated / got gas. I’m coming off a year of no meat, can’t eat beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale due to gas/intestinal issues and no spinach /high oxalate foods due to kidney stones. My go-to protein sources prior to whole30 were plain Greek yogurt, low fat cheese, nuts, quinoa and low fat milk. Im trying whole30 to mainly eliminate sugar, wine and dairy to see if my fibromyalgia pain and migraines improve. So far, just gassy and constipated! I’m thinking of adding in Greek yogurt only, for probiotics and non-meat protein. Thoughts? Similar experience? 

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If you have yogurt, you won't be doing whole30. That's fine if that's what you want to do, but it's not whole30.

There are probiotics in fermented foods as well, like sauerkraut, some pickles (look for ones like Bubbie's brand that don't use vinegar), kombucha, or if you want to make them yourself, you can ferment pretty much any vegetable. 

There are some tips in this article that may be helpful as well:  http://whole9life.com/2013/02/eating-meat-a-primer-for-the-meat-challenged-2/

Be sure you're drinking plenty of water, aiming for 1/2 oz per pound of body weight, so a 120-lb person needs at least 60 oz. That can make a difference with the constipation. Be sure you're eating lots of the vegetables you can have. And if you're not already, try to get in some exercise like light walking or stretching each day (more is fine, but at least some movement).

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Thanks for your suggestions. I want to keep with W30. Will try adding more fats including fish oil supplement. I already drink lots of water but will start measuring more carefully. Yogurt will be my first add back on day 31. 


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Update! I finished my Whole30 and felt pretty good during it after starting a probiotic. I lost 5 LBs which is great for me! I reintroduced oatmeal first, then wine, both with no problems. Then milk in my coffee and then had ricotta cheese in 3 stuffed shells over TGiving weekend.  Not sure if it’s related, but I had serious arthritis and fibromyalgia pain in my knees and hips. The weather was bad too, I REALLY felt the change in barometric pressure as storms rolled in.  Now I’m just having milk in my coffee, and experiencing lots of gas and bloating. My next action: eliminate the milk for a few days and try yogurt. If I have trouble with that, I may just have to leave dairy out of my life for good. Any other people having similar reactions to reintroduction of dairy? Arthritis and fibromyalgia issues?

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