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What’s up fellow whole30 advocates!  I am doing a modified version of whole30 and I love any feedback whatsoever so feel free to be as honest as possible about how compliant you think my whole30 is.  I am a week in with virtually no sugar, reason I say that is I went out once with my buddy to an Asian spot we like and got plain tashimi steamed veggies and shrimp but a side ginger salad and that dressing tasted so good I was almost certain it contained sugar.  Other than that I also still drink a Tanqueray with seltzer and fresh lime with crushed ice which is amazing and has no sugar but even though gin has no sugar it’s grain-made or whatever but i can’t see that haulting ketosis by very much.  It feels good to have 7 days behind me I’ve lost a few pounds already, lucky for steaks and carnitas salads from chipotle.  When I feel a sugar urge I sauté and apple with ghee and cinnamon.  Love to hear feedback and hopefully my ideas can be used also!


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Are you planning to do a real Whole30 at some point? It's about more than just the sugar or ketosis. You use the initial 30 days to clean up your eating, ridding your diet of the items most likely to cause inflammation and other issues for people, and then you spend a couple of weeks doing reintroductions to see which foods might be negatively affecting you. Then, you take what you've learned from the experience to figure out a way of eating that helps you feel your best, while not feeling deprived. But to get the best results, you really have to embrace all the rules, and the recommendations. (More on the recommendations here:  https://whole30.com/2015/01/rules-recommendations/)

If you're interested in learning more about Whole30, you can start here: https://whole30.com/new/, or pick up a copy of It Starts With Food for explanation of why the rules are what they are, or a copy of The Whole30 book for more on how to do a Whole30.


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