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Painful gas


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hi, I’m on day 4. Had painful gas all night and read up on fodmaps, and the ones I’ve had lately, which I’ve never had a problem with before. I’ve been drinking plenty of water.  I did have green plantains yesterday (which is on the green to eat list)  and I never eat those. They were amazing, dipped in avocado w lime. It’s the only thing I can think of out of the ordinary, Other than the fact that I Never eat this much meat! I don’t know what to do. What to eat today. I’ve got to get rid of this gas so uncomfortable . I’m not craving yogurt but maybe I should have a spoonful? I’m taking my normal  probiotics and multivitamins. Nothing else new besides more meat veg and nuts than usual, the plantains . My meal planning is in crisis- i don’t know what to eat all day bc of this, please help! 

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FODMAPS aren't the only things that can cause gas. Some people have to limit how many cruciferous vegetables they eat, like broccoli, cabbage, kale, or cauliflower, because those cause gas for many people. Raw vegetables are more likely to cause gas than cooked, cooked ones are just easier to digest, so if you've been doing many raw vegetables maybe try going to cooked ones for a few days and see if that helps.

It's definitely possible an increase in meat can be hard to digest for some people. You might look into digestive enzymes, which can help with that. 

For probiotics, you could try adding fermented vegetables like sauerkraut or kimchi, some pickles (Bubbies is one brand that ferments theirs rather than using vinegar to pickle them), or kombucha or water kefir (more on those:   https://whole30.com/2016/08/kombucha/).

There are yoga poses and stretches that are said to help with gas, you can Google something like yoga for gas pain if you're interested in trying that. Going for a walk may help. 

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