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Rash/hives on face, neck & back


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Hi everyone, so I’m on day 14 and I have an itchy, red rash/hives on my face, upper neck, and randomly on my back. My face is warm to touch. They started on day 2, and I thought it was just my body withdrawling from sugar... now I’m slightly nervous it’s something else. I haven’t been eating anything new and I even made sure I’m  using the same shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Has anyone else had this issue, it doesn’t seem to be going away and it’s not only unpleasant looking but also unpleasant feeling. Looking for some advice/help! Thanks! 

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This sounds like a possible allergic reaction. You should probably talk to your doctor to see if there's anything they can do to help.

You say you're not eating anything new, but are you eating a lot more of something than you would have before? Maybe your body can only tolerate a certain amount of something, and you've had a lot more of it. Common culprits could be coconut, avocado, or eggs, but it's possible it's something else. If there's one or two things that stand out as possiblities, cut those out for a while and see if that helps.

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I'd also suggest a trip to the doctor, because it's entirely possible that this isn't food-related at all... there are several illnesses that present with those kinds of symptoms, so getting a trained eye on it is a good idea. Definitely be sure to inform him/her of the changes you made to your diet. Hopefully you can get a recommendation on how to treat the rash in the mean time, though, to help ease the discomfort and prevent you from damaging your skin with scratching.

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How are you making out @Bjarz? I get hives like you describe from hormonal changes and stress and viruses - certainly any of those things could be happening especially on a W30. Hives aren't usually dangerous but they are uncomfortable and there is no need to suffer. Have you taken any Benadryl or Chlorpheniramine Maleate (cheaper stuff, uber effective - generally a pharmacist can get it for you). Aveeno (oatmeal colloid) baths also help. Paying attention to likely culprits - seafood in addition to those Shannon mentioned is a great idea but, if the problem persists, I'd see a doctor for allergy testing. 

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  • 1 year later...

R1D14 - This has happened to me too this past weekend. Day 4 I was quite red too, but that made sense....coming off of sugar. I am not eating eggs and no nightshades. My face is red & hot to touch too. Benedryl does help but makes me so sleepy. I have increased my water intake. I find this so frustrating. Could it be stress? Maybe? Or my hormones? I could tolerate nuts before my whole 30. Hmmm. 

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