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One week left and falling apart!


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I am on my last week of Whole 30, and while this time through I have struggled mentally, I have made it with no mess ups to this point.  Yesterday we had up to 60mph winds here in Indiana and we lost power around 2:15 in the afternoon, fast forward 19 hours later and power is still out.  I am afraid that all of the food that I cooked for the week is lost.  I brought some to work for lunch, but am afraid to eat it because it wasn't exactly cold when I took it out of the fridge this morning.  I am so frustrated and now have nothing to eat, unless I want to try to eat it and risk getting sick, or try to go out to eat, which I am not sure I can mentally handle that right now.   Add this to a new cold coming on and I just want to have a huge glass of wine!  Thanks for listening, I am just having a pity party.  

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Aw, man! That sucks! Food is generally considered safe in a fridge lacking power for 4 hours or less. I would personally probably go to about 8-12 hours providing I had not opened the door a lot. Depending on what it is, I'd consider not eating it. Cooked egg based dishes or beef based dishes I would eat before fish or chicken.  Veggies should be fine if a bit less than optimal.

Sorry you're struggling at this late stage - sending happy electricity thoughts!

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