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just want to binge

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Almost the end of Day 11 ... the negative side effects are getting better, but no positive side effects yet at all ... so I'm doing all of this work, but feel the same as always - making me want to give up ... I know logically that it's still very early, but I feel like I should have seen some kind of hope by now and nothing :(

Has/is anyone else going through this? I'm scared I don't have the resolve to keep this up with icing, cakes, cookies, donuts, and brownies calling to me ...

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If you have those things in the house and you have a way to get them out, now would be the time.

If you are hungry and feeling less than energetic, eating something with carbs is good. I ate bananas 'cause I like 'em during my first Whole30. Sweet potatoes and squashes are also recommended.

You're just at day 11. Just starting out. One breath at a time with the cravings; and tweak your eating so you get more good fat and carbs in at every meal, along with protein.

If you're dealing with the urge to binge as part of an eating disorder, use what has helped you in the past, and know that you have lots of support here.

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thanks Amy! those foods are definitely NOT in my house or this post would have been about regretting my binge ... it is part of an eating disorder that I've been dealing with for 3 or 4 years now and haven't had any success managing ... until now hopefully

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I'm assuming you decided to do a Whole30 for a reason, right? Even though you may not be feeling the magic yet, if you binge, you're sending a message to yourself that you're not able to follow through for yourself for all those reasons. And even though you may not feel like anything is going on inside your body, I'd be very willing to bet you'd almost instantly feel those sweets in a negative way, and then you'd regret it.

Think of the next 19 days as a gift to yourself. You're going to prove to yourself that you can accomplish this for a full 30 days, no matter how hard it is. And eventually, at least some of the magic will start to happen, even if it's not quite what you expected. People are going to start to notice changes in you even though you may not. A moment of sweets will not have that same effect! The sugar dragon can be hard to tame, but tame it you will!

A few things: for me, I tend to feel worse before it gets better. The bloat never seems to go away for me until at least day 10-14. I've never gotten to the Whole30 magic energy boost that others rave about, but I get other benefits that I can't deny. Also, take note of where you are in your cycle. If you're close to your period, allow yourself extra compliant carbs. Your body actually NEEDS extra carbs then, so perhaps you're listening to your body's signals, but responding to them the way you have in the past.

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Think of the next 19 days as a gift to yourself. You're going to prove to yourself that you can accomplish this for a full 30 days, no matter how hard it is. And eventually, at least some of the magic will start to happen, even if it's not quite what you expected. People are going to start to notice changes in you even though you may not. A moment of sweets will not have that same effect! The sugar dragon can be hard to tame, but tame it you will!

Thanks for this Karen. Great perspective. I think I needed to hear this tonight, too. And thank you. chelle, for your candor. You've got lots of company here. Hope it helps, even a little, to know that we are pulling for you.

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Guest Andria

Love that perspective, too, Karen. I am going to think of this Whole30 as a gift to myself. This will be helpful to ponder when I want to cave into a pile of cookies.....;-)

Good luck to you Chelle, we are all in this together!

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Good luck, Chelle. I think you should brag about yourself --- to yourself. 11 days is an accomplishment! I can only imagine how 30 will feel!

I agree with Karen, that this is a gift to yourself. Maybe a small tangible reminder would help. You could do something nice for yourself. Buy the darn $13 grassfed steak, the new spice, or the $5 french-pressed Starbucks coffee. Give yourself one small treat a week until 30? Just a thought.

Congrats on 11. Keep up the good work.

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