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Does it Matter Which Foods are reintroduced first?

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Hi there!

I was planning on reintroducing with a week in between each food item instead of only 2 days. I know that isnt a problem...but I was going to do it in the below order. Is that ok? or do I have to go in the order the book suggests?

Book Suggests: 



Gluten Free Grains


Grains with Gluten

I Want To Do:


Grains w/Gluten


Gluten Free Grains


Let me know if that is ok!



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You can reintroduce in any order you wish. Just be sure you don't have the reintroduced food again until you've done all your reintros, so if you have wine and don't notice any effects, you still can't have wine and cheese on dairy reintro day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't quite understand how reintroduction was supposed to work the first time I did whole 30. I would reintroduce a food and then, if nothing bad happened, I would keep eating it. By the time I reintroduced gluten, I was already eating all of the other things, and to be honest my stomach was starting to get back to its old tricks (bloating, stomach hurt to be touched, gassy, diarrhea THEN constipation) although mildly enough that I couldn't be certain it wasn't because of increased exercise or getting my period.

When I first reintroduced gluten, I hopped in the car about 10 minutes after I finished eating and about 20 minutes after I finished eating I was nodding off so bad I had to pull over and nap! The stomach pain, constipation, and bloating got significantly worse over the next day, but because I had all the other stuff in my diet I could never be certain that it was the gluten and not the gluten AND dairy AND wine.

That is not a mistake I will make this time.

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/15/2019 at 1:00 PM, Andrea&George said:

Hi there!

I was planning on reintroducing with a week in between each food item instead of only 2 days. I know that isnt a problem...but I was going to do it in the below order. Is that ok? or do I have to go in the order the book suggests?

Book Suggests: 



Gluten Free Grains


Grains with Gluten

I Want To Do:


Grains w/Gluten


Gluten Free Grains


Let me know if that is ok!



I know this is two months old, but for anybody who happens to see this... just wanted to comment that it wouldn't make much sense to reintroduce grains with gluten before grains without gluten, unless you don't care about the distinction between the two. If you reintroduce all grains at once and you have a reaction, you won't know if your reaction is due to the grains alone or gluten or both.

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