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Is this the hangover or something else?


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I'm on Day 4, after having to do a restart on Day 5 due to finding out that something I'd had for a snack had sugar in it (learned my lesson to not blindly follow random blogger advice). So basically Day 9  in terms of eliminating most foods, minus that small slip. 

Last night I started to get a headache and when I woke up I had a full blown migraine. This actually isn't that unusual for me. Weirder though is that I was really sick to my stomach. My migraines normally come with a little nausea but I'm right on the verge of throwing up and am only able to keep from doing so by using pressure points, breathing exercises, and generally staying extremely still. I'm also having diarrhea. 

The only thing different about anything I ate yesterday is that I tried ghee for the first time with my dinner, probably half a tablespoon. 

I've forced down a banana and some cashews just to try to put something in my body. Obviously all I really want are saltines.

Sorry for the TMI!

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This doesn't sound like normal hangover phase stuff. It might be the ghee -- occasionally people who are very sensitive to dairy find that ghee doesn't work for them because there's still enough dairy left in it that it causes a reaction. It also might be that you've picked up a stomach bug or something.

Peppermint or ginger teas can help with nausea. When you do eat, try maybe a baked sweet potato or potato with a little olive or coconut oil and some salt, or some plain grilled or baked chicken. If you feel like you can't even eat that, maybe try sipping some broth. If you need to take medicine, do. 

If you continue to feel this way for more than a day or two, you might want to talk to a doctor.

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Thank you Shannon so much for your quick and reassuring response. I ended up taking something for my headache after trying CBD oil & essential oils because I just wasn't able to get up and do the things I needed to today. That helped a lot and though my gut is still unhappy I'm now working on a baked potato with olive oil. I think I'll try ghee again in a few days to see if that's the issue. 

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Last night I decided to try ghee again on some vegetables. Today I am once again not feeling well. Not as bad as last time but general nausea and a lot of brain fogginess sort of like if I were getting a bad head cold or sinus infection. If I am sensitive to ghee, does that mean that I'm likely extremely sensitive to dairy in general? This is making me scared about the reintroduction.

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Hi there! It is hard to say without completing reintroduction, but it could be. I would also watch the quantity that you are putting on your veggies as that could be the culprit. You may want to introduce very small amounts of dairy at reintroduction, or if you don't miss it leave it out all together!

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