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Hiking breakfasts


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i have an upcoming hiking trip planned and am trying to plan some breakfasts! My bf and I will be flying out west and renting a car, then essentially traveling from one primitive camp site to another. I will not have access to refrigeration or a fire/cooking source and am wondering if anyone has any good breakfast options? All I can think of are epic bars for protein right now, so would love suggestions! Thanks !


also, may have limited access to hot water 

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Hmmm... that sounds like a difficult one!

Some other portable, easy options might be: 

  • Tuna/chicken/salmon packets
  • Meat sticks (like Chomps) 
  • Coconut butter packets 
  • Olive packets
  • Dried fruit
  • You could make your own kale chips or something if you want vegetables 

If you do have access to boiling water, there are a number of freeze-dried backpacking meals you could take. Unfortunately, they are expensive. 

  1. Elements Broccoli Cinnamon Pork (https://www.getyourelements.com/shop/broccoli-cinnamon-pork/)
  2. Elements Dill Chicken Avocado (https://www.getyourelements.com/shop/dill-chicken-avocado/
  3. Elements Coconut Mango Chicken (https://www.getyourelements.com/shop/coconut-mango-chicken/
  4. Wild Zora Paleo Meals to Go Mountain Beef Stew (https://wildzora.com/collections/all/products/new-mountain-beef-stew)
  5. Wild Zora Paleo Meals to Go Caldera Chicken Curry (https://wildzora.com/collections/all/products/new-caldera-chicken-curry
  6. Wild Zora Paleo Meals to Summit Savory Chicken (https://wildzora.com/collections/all/products/new-summit-savory-chicken
  7. Heather's Choice Dark Chocolate Chili (https://www.heatherschoice.com/collections/entrees/products/chocolate-chili-1

Also, with access to hot water, you could do something like freeze-dried eggs and potatoes, which would be cheaper. I know I've seen compliant options for both eggs and potatoes. You could even take some ghee to add some fat and freshness to those potatoes (ghee does not need to  be refrigerated (at least not the ghee that I buy))! 

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Yes, both dried eggs and potatoes are easy options and relatively cheap! 

Bob's Red Mill has compliant potato flakes: https://www.amazon.com/Bobs-Red-Mill-Potatoes-16-ounce/dp/B01M68VR02/ref=sr_1_4?hvadid=224115907582&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9032509&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t3&hvqmt=e&hvrand=634633683376612797&hvtargid=aud-649564993678%3Akwd-323747846052&keywords=bob+red+mill+potato+flakes&qid=1555687776&s=gateway&sr=8-4

And there are a number of compliant egg options if you just search for "whole dried eggs."

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