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At what point is ReIntro just a modified W30?


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Spouse and I have been in re-entry mode for 24 days because we've treated this as an experiment. We did not follow the "day on, two days off" in fact we stretched it out a 2nd day longer and then repeated.

For reintro we discussed what we really missed, and it was dairy, non-gluten grains, maybe a tinge of honey if a sweetener was needed and ( me) alcohol. We were fine without hard core sugar (candy, granulated, etc), desserts, snacks, breads, soy, beans, etc., and have no desire to reintro.

We first experimented with dairy.  All we missed was a little butter, sour cream and cheese as a flavor enhancement (aka mexican) tried it for two days, off for two days, and repeated to see if same results. Definitely some bloat and gas issues, feeling tired and sinus headaches with throat mucus in mornings. Then we reintroduced organic, nongmo corn chips, no issues, but ReIntro of rice and rice flour, yikes, total bloat, feeling heavy, uncomfortable and constipated.

ReIntro of wine with one glass, two concurrent nights, sleep is interrupted, severely dehydrated and skin back to itchy and dry.

We are now in combo mode, and planning around discomforts for if / what is worth it.

Although W30 was not easy (I don't care what they say, it is hideous), it is also an awakening. And although it might be easy to go back to donuts and club sandwiches, ice cream and yogurt, our tastes and outlook have changed. What was a nightmare to do, was important and the reintroductions are just as important.

Not being fully compliant for just 24 days, my nails and hair are back to being brittle, my face which had cleared of rosacea is now compromised, my night sweats are back, and I've regained 4 lbs after losing 14.  

My spouse felt so bad after eating dairy (which he loves) he went back to compliant all except for corn chips, and has continued to feel good and look good.

The other noticeable reduction however is our pantry and our fridge. Although it was costly to start W30, we feel it is cheaper to stay on it. Veggies cost a lot less than junk. Our collections of jarred and packaged crap are gone, making cooking simpler. We actually like many of the recipes, and we are creatively using leftovers and minimizing food waste more than ever before.

To us W30 is the base, and the reintroductions are just a way to modify for understanding tolerances. It is all an experiment in you and your body. For those who invest the time and just go back to snickers and biscuits n gravy, then you've likely put yourself through a hideous exercise for nothing.

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Many (many!) of us tend to stick to a mostly Whole30 framework after we've done our reintros because there are foods that make us feel less than fantastic. It's such a unique result for every person, there's just no possible one outcome. Congrats on figuring out what does and doesnt work for you!

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On 4/20/2019 at 8:36 PM, ladyshanny said:

Many (many!) of us tend to stick to a mostly Whole30 framework after we've done our reintros because there are foods that make us feel less than fantastic. It's such a unique result for every person, there's just no possible one outcome. Congrats on figuring out what does and doesnt work for you!

Ladyshanny, thank you for this note. This is my 2nd reintroduction, the first I did as Fast, starting with non gluten alcohol. Sugar dragon won and I learned almost nothing. This time I started with fast roll out minus alcohol, soybeans and oils outside of whole 30 compliant ones. Now starting slow roll with my suspicions only tested when absolutely necessary and very very worth it. 


So I'm all in for a modified w30! 

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