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Can I have RX bars?


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It'll depend on the ingredients in the bars, I think they may have some varieties that are not compliant. Aside from that, we strongly encourage you to focus on eating meals that keep you satisfied 4-5 hours at a time, so that you don't need snacks, but if you do find yourself hungry between meals, we'd encourage you to have some combination of protein, fat, and vegetables, or at least two of the three. So basically, if the particular flavor of bar you're getting is compliant, you can have it, but we'd encourage you not to if you have other options.

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

Hey there! While RX Bars are technically compliant (some flavors only), we strongly encourage to use them as emergency go-to's only. Avoid using them as a meal replacement or indulging in one during a sugar craving. They are great for things like long work days, road trips, airports, etc! Hope this is helpful. 

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