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Hour 1 of Whole30


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Well after weeks of planning I am starting today. I am a sugar ADDICT...Mountain Dew, candy, you name it. If it has sugar, I want it. Terrified of sugar detox. I went ahead and burned all the taste buds off my tongue drinking my hot tea without added milk and my neighbor accidentally invited my ex over for sauerkraut on my "go public" post...so lots of excitement happening already. Hopefully it will be enough to distract me from physically breaking into the man cave for my husbands candy in about 5 hours. 

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach
1 hour ago, Angela13081 said:

Well after weeks of planning I am starting today. I am a sugar ADDICT...Mountain Dew, candy, you name it. If it has sugar, I want it. Terrified of sugar detox. I went ahead and burned all the taste buds off my tongue drinking my hot tea without added milk and my neighbor accidentally invited my ex over for sauerkraut on my "go public" post...so lots of excitement happening already. Hopefully it will be enough to distract me from physically breaking into the man cave for my husbands candy in about 5 hours. 

Congratulations on beginning - this is the first of many important choices and it's a big deal! While the sugar detox might be oh so real, remember it is temporary. It always helps me to ask myself "Is the ____ worth me feeling free, healthy, and in control of my food?" And the answer is always yes! You'll do great, and we're here to support.

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