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I’m starting whole 30 tomorrow but...


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My journey will end the second day of a annual 4-day event (sort of a family reunion of about 600 people, with a pool party, and DJ’s playing around the clock). I will have access to a kitchen. I’m picky and usually bring all my own food anyway so I’m not terribly worried about having control over what I eat. Mostly I imagine it will be hard not to drink all the things.

Unfortunately if I don’t start my Whole 30 now, I completely lose any adequate  window of time without travel or events, until the fall! I can’t wait that long to start feeling healthy. I guess I’m curious if anyone else has had this situation (a vacation right at the end of their 30 days) and how you handled it.

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

It is so hard to predict how you are going to feel at the end of your 30 days.  You may feel so good that you don't want to touch a drop of alcohol and that's totally ok.  Just because you have consumed alcohol at this event every other year doesn't mean you have to this time.  I remember going out to eat after a round and I ordered sparkling water with limes.  Usually I would have ordered wine.  I just didn't want it.

You could also choose to reintroduce alcohol first.  So day 1 of reintroduction, do alcohol.  Then continue with reintroduction as outlined. 

You could look up Whole30 mocktail recipes to have at the event too.  That could be really fun!

I hope this helps!

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^^^ All of this! I ended my first round with a social event, very similar to yours - I reintroed alcohol that weekend - took my own food for the BBQ and had apple ciders (I figured wine had sulfites and beer had gluten and vodka generally has corn, so apple cider was at least straight forward). 

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Schrodinger’s Cat I love your username! Thanks all, I’m mildly surprised and very glad to see this thing is on and people reply so fast! :) Fortunately I had done an older anti-inflammation diet 15 years ago, I which I cut out wheat, most grains, sugars, dairy and processed foods, and therefore the plan doesn’t feel as daunting as I thought it would be.

Lately I’ve slacked off a bit with more income and time for dining out, and cravings for problem foods have been cropping up more as I get into my 40’s (and a relationship with wine that has gone from healthy to compulsive in recent months). I suppose it’s a combination of age and a growing laziness I can’t explain. So here I am!

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I ended my first W30 a few days before my annual winter trip to Australia so I extended it by a week so I could do a better reintro after the loooong travel and awful jetlag settled. I hadn't considered the fact that I was travelling business class where wining and dining both in the lounges and in the air are a really big thing for which  you pay through the nose. It was really, really hard (remember all my whinging Schrod?) but I managed to do a Whole 37. I just finished my 3rd W30 (after my 2nd crashed and burned thanks to a misread label) and have no plans to stop eating this way. I already know which things I am not going to reintro (soy, legumes, sugar are banned; dairy, wine, grains are greatly reduced) so I don't need to do a reintro. I'm just going to carry on until I feel I need a reset then I'll go again.

I'm no longer struggling with wine. I discovered after my first W30 that wine was very neurotoxic for me causing rampant anxiety and sleeplessness after 1 or 2 glasses. I love wine - have studied it formally and it was a VERY BIG PART of my life prior to W30. Giving it up was initially excruciatingly painful. Then it was somewhat sad. Now it is simply not an issue. Since January 3rd, I've had wine on 4 or 5 separate occasions - each time accompanied by a terrible night so, it's not worth it.

SO - welcome and enjoy the process @Oaklandish1 It's really very interesting and the results are amazing!

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Hi! Oaklandish,

I was in a similar situation during my last round. What was helping me the most was that I knew the benefits of the whole30 by then. I felt so much better that it literally changed my life. I reminded myself that I didn't want to give up all that for, lets say, one glass of wine. (Especially because I knew I would feel so bad the next days because of that). On top of that, I didn't wanna break the promise I made myself and the people around me. Maybe it could help you to remind yourself why you want to finish the w30. it might help to write down very clearly what your goals are and why, and what you would feel and think if you would quit during these last days... ???

Additionally I saw these occasions as an opportunity to learn. I tried to 'observe' what made me want to have a glass of wine or snacks, and if I could think of a solution for that. For example, when I feel hungry I tend to snack, but I actually need to take a break and eat a proper meal. At parties I also struggled with the feeling of behaving differently that the others and feeling like I was not the right person to celebrate parties with. Though I can be a great party animal without alcohol and crisps :) ).

Practically, It helped me to have my own drinks and whole30 compliant food with me. Especially things I really liked, so that I could enjoy something too. Even though I think the whole 30 does not allow you to snack all day (but rather advises to eat 3 meals a day, as far as I know) it might still be better to eat for example a boiled egg or a small w30 compliant meal than eat snacks that are not compliant with the whole30 in case of "emergency". 

I hope this helps you. I start my whole30 today. Maybe we could share ideas and experiences during our w30 rounds? :) how did you prepare for your w30? Is it your first round?


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Well as I have this tiny window and I only decided to do it early last week, got the books from amazon Friday, I was sort of cramming the book over the weekend while making some of the recipes.  I wasn’t able to get a meal plan together last night, but thanks to my soft-entry weekend, I already had a fridge full of compliant ingredients—enough to make 3 easy meals today. 

My breakfast frittata came out pretty good but I can’t believe a whole one is only 2 servings. Who eats half a frittata plus fruit and avocado in one sitting?! I’m a light eater. I learned early in life to listen to my satiety reflex, so the feeling of eating beyond the point of fullness, simply because the book is telling me I need it, doesn’t feel right. Thoughts anyone?


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Oh, I signed up for a month of Real Plans (yes I know that’s a bit lazy but I’m hella busy this week and needed a fast solution to the shopping and planning, at least right now) My Instacart delivery for week 1 arrives tonight!

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@Lorna from Canada btw, I’m certified WSET Level 2. That said, Ironically I decided NOT to go into the wine business because I realized the drinking would eventually take a toll on me.  I drink far less since I made that decision but My boyfriend and I eat out at high-end restaurants regularly, and always order bottles with 3 digits in the price, so I’ve had the opportunity to taste things that most of my wine-loving friends can only dream of.

I will definitely be glad to reset and just have a glass on special occasions (much to his dismay lol. I tell him he will have to find a new regular dining partner) ;)

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2 hours ago, Oaklandish1 said:

@Lorna from Canada btw, I’m certified WSET Level 2. That said, Ironically I decided NOT to go into the wine business because I realized the drinking would eventually take a toll on me.  I drink far less since I made that decision but My boyfriend and I eat out at high-end restaurants regularly, and always order bottles with 3 digits in the price, so I’ve had the opportunity to taste things that most of my wine-loving friends can only dream of.

I will definitely be glad to reset and just have a glass on special occasions (much to his dismay lol. I tell him he will have to find a new regular dining partner) ;)

Fellow wine lover here! In a previously life (before going back to Uni) I was the bar tender/drinks expert (I won't say sommilier, because I wasn't) in a few of Australia's top end restaurants and it gave me *ahem* expensive tastes lol

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8 hours ago, Oaklandish1 said:

Well as I have this tiny window and I only decided to do it early last week, got the books from amazon Friday, I was sort of cramming the book over the weekend while making some of the recipes.  I wasn’t able to get a meal plan together last night, but thanks to my soft-entry weekend, I already had a fridge full of compliant ingredients—enough to make 3 easy meals today. 

My breakfast frittata came out pretty good but I can’t believe a whole one is only 2 servings. Who eats half a frittata plus fruit and avocado in one sitting?! I’m a light eater. I learned early in life to listen to my satiety reflex, so the feeling of eating beyond the point of fullness, simply because the book is telling me I need it, doesn’t feel right. Thoughts anyone?

956D6A03-4FFF-476E-ADD6-5672E22C40E2.jpegwow, looks tasty :) ! About the big portions of food: I learned to listen to my body. The whole30 has (as far as I know) no restrictions on how much you should eat. If you feel like you're full, that's perfectly fine. Worst case you eat somewhat more during your next meal. I also remember someone who ate 4 smaller meals a day instead of 3 (mainly because she was working out a lot). Maybe that's an option for you too if you're getting health complaints because of eating too little.. ?

Yesterday I had kind of the same problem, though I remember from my last round that I really had to get used to the three.meals a day structure. After a week or two my body got used to it and I could eat normal portions and lost my cravings for snacks. Maybe it just takes time ;) good luck!


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2 hours ago, MyW30 said:


Good to know. I ate a quarter of the frittata a couple hours after 1st meal, then I didn’t eat until 4 and had some smoked salmon, 2 cups of baby carrots dipped in mayo. Then for dinner I made Chicken stir-fry for a friend who was in the hospital with diverticulitis yesterday. He was very curious about my new diet restrictions, but he and his girlfriend loved the food. The 2-person recipe fed 3 people very well and I have been stuffed since.

I had San Pellegrino for dinner! Unfortunately this evening I’m feeling bloated, gassy, have mild heartburn and my breath reeks. Wondering if the pellegrino didn’t agree with my gut but no clue what is giving me halitosis. One day down, 29 to go... Tomorrow is a new day!

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44 minutes ago, Oaklandish1 said:

Good to know. I ate a quarter of the frittata a couple hours after 1st meal, then I didn’t eat until 4 and had some smoked salmon, 2 cups of baby carrots dipped in mayo. Then for dinner I made Chicken stir-fry for a friend who was in the hospital with diverticulitis yesterday. He was very curious about my new diet restrictions, but he and his girlfriend loved the food. The 2-person recipe fed 3 people very well and I have been stuffed since.

I had San Pellegrino for dinner! Unfortunately this evening I’m feeling bloated, gassy, have mild heartburn and my breath reeks. Wondering if the pellegrino didn’t agree with my gut but no clue what is giving me halitosis. One day down, 29 to go... Tomorrow is a new day!

Sounds like a great menu for the first day! And indeed, 1 day down already :):):)

about the bloated and gassy feeling: could be the sort of food (I get those symptoms after eating cabbage for example...) but it could also be related to the change of the food you eat. You probably eat more veggies (and therefore fibers) for example. Your body has to get used to that ;) i guess you just have to wait and see. I hope you will feel better soon!!

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WSET level 3 here so you and Schrod totally get it!  Since my first W30 and all of this wine drinking soul searching and gnashing of teeth, I've come to the conclusion that I used to drink way too much and I'm glad I've stopped. 

Your frittata looks amazing. I could probably eat half as I have a big appetite :) I  find that I've learned to relax into food since I've been on the W30. If I want to eat a lot, I do. I stop when I am full. I've spent my whole life battling food and restricting myself and counting points and calories and grams of BS and now, I feel very strongly like I've made a truce with food and my body. I've lost about 20 pounds since January 3 eating more food than I thought possible. I'd say if you're full, stop eating regardless of what the template says - no sense adding a new food battle to the table. At the same time, I think the template is designed to maximize access to the nutrition our bodies require so, I'd be curious to know if eating significantly less than what the template recommends would have an impact on that? Someone smarter than me in that area would know.

Keep at it - I felt more terrible in the first 2 weeks than great but it was worth it to get to where I am now!


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15 hours ago, Oaklandish1 said:

My boyfriend and I eat out at high-end restaurants regularly, and always order bottles with 3 digits in the price, so I’ve had the opportunity to taste things that most of my wine-loving friends can only dream of.

Oh my, I just read this. I have a cellar of triple digit wines purchased at retail not restaurant prices... Hubs says we can sell it to fund our retirement but I'm hanging on... :) :huh::blink:

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My boyfriend last night was quick to remind me that he has watched me scarf down the better part of tomahawk  steak in one sitting, but generally that was at night after a couple glasses of wine and close to my period! 

I am really glad I started eating 99% W30-compliant foods last Friday. I felt a bit of the hangover/dizziness stuff on Saturday and Sunday, a day when I was too busy to get in my head about it too much. Today I woke up very late and tired because i had a really hard time sleeping last night! the gut pain/indigestion  was too much, but I took some simethicone and my symptoms lightened up after an hour.

today will be a challenging one as I am a personal shopping  assistant and I have an appointment from 1:30–5, with an hour commute each way. I’m just finishing up breakfast (Eyeroll). Game plan: eat some of my next meal on the train right before my appointment, in hopes of preventing cravings a bit. cram a handful off nuts into my face mid-appointment if I get unbearably hungry, then finish my meal right after, before I get on the train to come home. Dinner will only be 2-3 hours later. Unfortunately I can’t stop in the middle of my meeting to feed so this is the game plan I’ve come up with. Any comments from the peanut gallery? Lol

damn I’m so glad for this forum. I have so many questions!

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re: portions --
definitely listen to your body... if "one serving" per the recipe's description is too much, don't stuff yourself...
but also don't get discouraged or think badly of yourself if your body wants more than "one serving".

(as reference: my typical frittata has 3 eggs and 2-3 handfuls of "regular" veggies, 1-2 handfuls of leafy stuff, and an additional handful of starchy veggie either mixed in or served on the side, plus avocado either mixed in or on the side)

re: snacking mid-appointment --
I'd personally skip the nuts (I'm not a fan of them, honestly) and have a small container of bite-sized foods that are easy to grab in a way that won't be too conspicuous (especially if you're able to excuse yourself for a couple of minutes), something small enough to keep in my purse or bag. Ideas would be cubed chicken, baby carrots and/or celery sticks, cubed sweet potato (amazingly good even chilled, oddly enough), olives, grapes, apple slices... the idea would be to treat it like a mini-meal in between the two halves of the regular meal, so I'd try to hit all 3 macros (my little box would probably include chicken, sweet potato, and olives, possibly celery).

^ Again, that's what I would do for me, because I know nuts in general don't digest well for me unless they've been creamed (mmm, cashew cream...) or crushed down into tiny bits. I also suspect they're at least partially responsible for some of the hormonal stuff I felt during my first W30 (Larabars are pure evil, at least for some of us), so I'm excited to leave them out of my next round entirely.

Good luck!

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Thanks for this... well I went in with a little bit of cooked chicken, mayo, with some baby carrots and ate at 2:30. As soon as my appointment was over it was 6:30 so I went into the mall food court, past the cookie and cupcake stand and got myself a poke bowl... 100% whole30 compliant. It was a little blah without any sauce but the avocado helped.

didnt get home til 10:30 because grocery shopping. Was hungry again so I Had a little steamed asparagus and smoked salmon.

i had some drama with the boyfriend but I’m so proud of myself for not losing my isht and busting into a bottle of wine when I got home! lol. Oh right, it’s all locked in the wine fridge... wow actually I don’t even want any. Shocker! 

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R1D4 morning: Day 3 is down and what a day... I resisted another moment at the mall with a sack lunch of lettuce wraps and mango baby food. Yes, I figured it would be an interesting way to try consuming some fruit (product) on the go since I actually don’t like most fruit. It was highly unsatisfying. 5pm client visit came with a plate of hors d’oeuvres and I was happy that there were some baby carrots, olives,  and blueberries to nibble on so that I could give my hunger a little something to hold me until my late dinner. Biggest challenges today: I woke up with the worst crick in my neck, probably of my life. I literally cannot turn my head to the left; I have to turn my whole upper half of my body to look sideways! LOL Unfortunately Advil is no use so it kept me up last night, and now  I’m barely functional today. I had to cancel my housekeepers because I’m in too much agony to prep my place. I have to try to get a massage this afternoon at least on the side of my neck! Also, I’m already sick of cooking and doing dishes. Constantly. I feel like I have no time for anything else because I’m cooking for 1 and there’s always so much chopping and peeling and washing etc. I wish hello fresh or someone would just cook everything and put it in my fridge. Unfortunately I can’t use those services because I’m allergic to capsaicin (All spicy food). Needless to say I have to modify Many recipes

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14 hours ago, Oaklandish1 said:

 Constantly. I feel like I have no time for anything else because I’m cooking for 1 and there’s always so much chopping and peeling and washing etc. I wish hello fresh or someone would just cook everything and put it in my fridge. Unfortunately I can’t use those services because I’m allergic to capsaicin (All spicy food). Needless to say I have to modify Many recipes

Hi @Oaklandish1,

Sounds like a tough day. i hope your neck will get better soon! 

I do feel you about the constantly cooking thing. I remember this especially from my firsr round. I think the trick is mainly to keep it simple. A bit of sliced veggies, nuts and (cooked in advance?) Eggs is already a meal. Not every meal has to be a 3 stars dish!! Additionally you could think about prepping and cooking more portions than you need everytime you cook a dish. I even put dishes in my freezer for my lazy "I just dont wanna cook!" moments. Just think about it. I'm sure you can come up with some simpler dishes :)

btw I like to put fruit in my salads. Maybe that's an idea? I also made chicken-mango burgers once. They were delicious! Are there any fruits yoj think are not that bad to eat? Maybe I can help you with some recipes including those?

I am doing well in my whole 30. So far I like the food and surprisingly I dont really miss my o so favorite chocolate. I did miss a snack though, when I went out with friends to have a drink at a pub. I also felt a bit like a boring person there with my water and tea instead of a nice glass of wine... Yesterday I also felt very tired .. maybe hangover symptoms??

good luck! Already four days down! We can do it!

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Thanks! I did the big shopping list and got all this stuff for a couple of more complicated dishes and I’m doing simple familiar stuff in between. Problem is I am just very slow cooking in general. Even familiar dishes, I chop slow, I measure carefully, I wash up as i go along, that sort of thing.

today was rough without having slept, but I made it and am still on plan. I invited a friend over for dinner who is also on W30 (but a little further along than me) and cooked a W30-compliant paella, which we both agreed was excellent if a bit bland due to my having to leave the spicy out


i like mangoes  and bananas. I would generally eat many fruits if they were put in front of me, but when I buy them they rarely get eaten. LOL I think I want to just try to eat one serving of fruit per day with a meal, even if it’s just a handful of berries or a banana.

so glad I’m not having crazy cravings yet. The weekend is here and I need to not have my will power tested beyond belief! ;-)

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3 hours ago, Oaklandish1 said:

Last night I went to party and drank club soda and lime all night. I didn’t have much fun. Apparently I’m more socially awkward without alcohol than I thought. Sigh. There goes my social life.

It can be really hard, especially when your social group all drinks. I found drunk people, even tipsy people so annoying!! Might have been some resentment that they were drinking in there too. 

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Actually it was a gallery event with an art auction and some dj’s playing. People generally didn’t seem drunk to me. I just found that I was so much less comfortable in my own skin... conversations with friends didn’t flow easily, I felt awkward interacting  with people I didn’t know well, and I didn’t enjoy dancing like I normally do. These types of events have made up a huge part of my life for the better part of 10 years so I should be completely at ease. But I was very anxious all night. The good thing is that I never craved a drink like I thought I would... I didn’t feel as if I was missing out by not having a cocktail. I actually liked the club soda until I started farting and burping lol.

I suppose this might be something I should take up with a therapist. But anyhow I’m still on plan - day 6 woo-hoo! I feel tired and sh***y but it was expected so there ya go


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Sad panda. I’m still crabby today but my energy is a little better. I keep burning my meals. I spent 2 hours on this sweet postato dish only to have it get forgotten in the broiler (I didn’t hear my timer go off). 

My ADD is making it really hard to maintain focus. I think I might just resort to a diet of broiled fish, steamed veggies and eggs because anything else just seems to be too complicated and I’m tired of spending so much time on my feet in the kitchen. 


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