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Ghee-Heavy Feeling?

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I made 3 fried eggs in ghee ahead of time for meal 1, and threw it in a container to eat later, and also put some cooked bacon on top of the eggs in the same container. I think I used too much ghee to make the eggs and the fat from the bacon seeped into my eggs. I think I inadvertently had too much fat as a result. I just feel so yucky! I feel sooooo heavy, bloated, and needless to say have no hunger whatsoever. Is it possible for ghee and heavy saturated fats like bacon/grease to make you feel this uncomfortable? Has anyone else experienced this? Can some people not tolerate these fats very well?

Perhaps next time I should just put a little ghee in the pan and try not to incorporate the bacon grease or skip the bacon and include a different fat like avocado? I swear, some days I feel like I don't add enough fat and I get hungry, then I have other days like this were I eat too much fat and feel horrible!

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

What a bummer! I have felt that way after using too much ghee as well...I usually just use a touch of avocado oil to cook my eggs in now. That seems to work better for me. Did you lay the bacon on a paper towel for a second before placing it into your container? That should help soak up just a bit of the excess grease. I definitely think it is important to start your day off with protein + some healthy fats....so don't get discouraged that today was a bit off, you're on the right track! Switch it up tomorrow and see if less ghee or a different oil helps. You could also try hard boiled eggs (possibly with a dollop of whole30 mayo), some sliced avocado, and bacon/sausage instead and see how that feels. Good luck!

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I am also feeling SUPER heavy, overly full all the time and more bloated than I have ever been (W30 Day 3 for me). Honestly feel like I’ve been eating greasy fries and hamburgers even though it’s also the healthiest I’ve ever eaten! Very confusing... Wondering if the fats in every meal (avocado, a ton of ground turkey and olive oil, and coconut oil in my coffee even) is just triggering hormonal/ bile issues? Or maybe my gut is just that messed up and having to adjust so much? I pretty much have to force myself to eat during the day and get nauseous easily. I definitely feel your pain! @LindsayO Hoping it gets better soon

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

Have you read the Whole30 day by day guide or looked at the timeline online? I love both! So helpful in reminding us that much of what we experience during a Whole30 is totally normal.


In my experience (personally and working with clients) I have found that it is super normal to feel bloated/gassy/heavy/full, at least for the first ten days or so. Typically on a Whole30 we are eating SO much more healthy fat and satisfying veggies than we normally do, and sometimes we experience some digestive distress before it gets better. It's a big change for our systems and it takes some getting used to. My advice would be to stick with what you're doing and just give it some more time. You definitely don't want to cut out all of those healthy fats or under eat. Keep on keeping on! :) 

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