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Day 6.


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It is day 6 of my Whole30. I start ultrasound school tomorrow and have had a long day. Right now I want to be in bed but have to stay up (with help from my husband) to meal prep. I have wondered today why I am even continuing at this point!!! I have craved more and been hungrier than ever today and feel like I am getting over it.. 

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What do your meals look like? People are often surprised at how much food they can and should eat on whole30.

Remember that each meal should have 1-2 palm-sized portions of protein, or if eggs are your only protein, as many whole eggs as you can hold in one hand, so probably 3-4. Then add one or two servings of fat from the options listed on the meal template, generally in addition to any oil you cooked in, so you might have some mayo or ranch to dip your veggies in, and some olives.  Finally, add at least one cup of vegetables, but really aim for 2-3 cups. The template says to fill your plate up with vegetables. If you want fruit, add a small handful with a meal.

Most people find they feel best if they have at least one fist-sized serving of starchy vegetable each day, like potato, sweet potato, other root vegetables like beets or carrots or turnips or parsnips, or winter squashes like butternut or acorn squash, or plantains.  Some people need more than this, some do fine with less, but this is a good amount to start with.

Meal template can be downloaded here:  https://whole30.com/pdf-downloads/

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