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Does anyone use SteadyMD?


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Today is day 30. I feel like I need more time. I’m fighting candida overgrowth and I haven’t restricted much of any food. I have kept fruit to a minimum. I haven’t done final measurements or weight but I am going to continue on to 60. I’m worried that I need anti-candida supplements and more restrictions but got overwhelmed when I tried to do my own research. I am thinking on doing SteadyMD and was trying to find people discussing it in the forum but couldn’t find anything. 

Has anyone used SteadyMD? Can anyone share their experience or knowledge with SteadyMD. I would also like to know what I should limit for my next 30 days.

NSV I’m looking thinner, feeling better but not all better. Pain has decreased some. Sleep is better. Skin is better.   

If I can do this better I really need to know how. 

Working on making me awesome!

Thank you in advance. 

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