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Help! Terrible digestive issues day 29.

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Hi everyone

I'm on day 29 of my first Whole30 and I'm experiencing terrible digestive issues.

I started doing W30 because I've been struggling with exhaustion for two years and have had bad diarrhoea for the past 4 months, every day.

As soon as I had started W30 my bloating and explosive diarrhoea disappeared and around day 10 I had normal (soft) stool for the first time in months. That lasted about 4 days (miracle!) and my energy went up with it. Unfortunately, it didn't last and now I'm on day 29 and my diarrhoea and exhaustion seem to be getting worse every day.

I suspect a couple of things:

- coconut milk: I usually have coconut milk for breakfast and as soon as I've had my breakfast, I have to run to the toilet.

- high histamine foods: If I don't take my antihistamines daily, I would scratch my own skin off. I also get bad sinus issues and hives.

- night shades: don't really know why I suspect these, but the skin of a tomato or a pepper always comes back out again, undigested.


Does anyone else have these issues? Has anything helped?

I'm definitely going to continue for a couple of weeks more until I figure out what's causing this.

a whole30'er from Belgium

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