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I've felt like crying for about 4 days now...

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Oh, don't cry!! I'm sorry you are struggling. Any new change is hard and turns your world upside down. It is emotionally strenuous. It will get better. Do some nice things for yourself...spoil yourself a little. Take a bubble bath. turn on some loud music and dance. Know that the changes you are trying to make are worth it.


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Me too!

I'm on day 10 and it's been really trying. I have never had depression issues before and I swear I didn't feel this with my first Whole30 last summer, but wow...it's rough this time around.

My only advice is to hang in there! Maybe try to get more sleep (I wish I could!)?

I do know how awesome I felt the last time, but it was like day 12 or 13 before I got there, so hang in there!

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Before starting the Whole30, I felt that way all of the time. Seriously. For instance... I cried watching the Tour de France. REALLY! That was part of my decision to start this program, because I refused to take Prozac as my primary doctor demanded. I truely felt that food was the culprit, and I am finding that my hunch is right. Day 7 into the Whole30, and I haven't cried in a few days, or even teared up!!! It will subside, in the mean time here's a virtual (((hug))) and a tissue. No point holding it in, get it out!

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More carbs in the form of root veggies and squash are what you need to feel good. I also like hard-chew fruit like a pear or apple to keep my blood sugar stable. I went through this exact thing and thought something really horrible was wrong with me. Try it!

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Hmm, interesting. I'm on day 7 and have felt pretty consistently great, but while I was walks to work today, suddenly I was overwhelmed by a feeling of loss, based in memories of college (I graduated in May of last year). I missed my friends, my ex-boyfriend, living ith friends, playing video games, walking to class together, the stores out there, everything. It flooded back to me so viscerally and I teared up in the middle of Boston, by myself. I didn't cry, but it occurred to me that there are some emotions I need to allow myself to experience and work through. I know it's scary, but if you feel like crying, it might be a good idea to accept it and work through the troublesome feelings, instead of shutting them up. This type of nutritional change can be very stressful on the body, so keep that in mind - as you adjust, it'll pass.

Also, try taking some magnesium (glyceinate or citrate are most absorbable) before bed. Maybe 500mg. It'll help you calm down and get better sleep. Getting enough of the B-complex vitamins, omega-3s, and zinc will also be beneficial. On, and carbs, like Suzy said. Stay strong!

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Hey Catherine,

Not sure where you are from but it could also be a lack of Vitamin D! I live in MN and the days are so short in the winter that nearly everyone has some sort of "seasonal depression" due to a lack of Vitamin D. I take a supplement to ensure that I don't feel 'down' during the winter months. Might be worth a shot!

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!!!!

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Rachael, why didn't I think of vitamin D?! Oh gosh, come to think of it, the past few days I haven't taken MY vitamin D supplement. O_O maybe that's why... Oh, the things you notice and realize when you pay attention to what goes int your body. :)

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I don't really have any sage wisdom for you. I'm in Day 3 of my first Whole30. I just wanted to offer my support.

I had a thought while typing that last sentence. How much have you changed your food? If you made a drastic change, and are suddenly eating hormone-free beef, pork and eggs, and are cutting out hormone-filled dairy products, that could potentially be a cause of your emotions right now. Your body may have been used to all of those hormones from your food, and suddenly they are no longer there, causing the hormones your body naturally produces to be out of whack.

I hope it improves over the next couple of days! I'm sorry that the last few days have been rough. Hang in there, friend!

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I was going to say what Rachael2288 said: It's January. I always feel like crying in January. If you live in the north, you know what I mean. The holidays are over. It's gray, it's cold, it's snowy. It feels like you're trapped inside and there's no end in sight. Add to that feeling the "loss" of your old ways of eating and drinking, and it can feel pretty bleak. Get outside if you can, take a walk on a sunny day. Notice how the sunlight casts a golden hue on everything in the hour or two just before sunset. How the sky is a lovely shade of blue in the hour or so after sunset. Find the beauty in the winter. It's there! I've been looking very hard for it this year, and it really is there. Think of how great you will feel when your body is working as it should and you're making the right choices for it.

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