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Puzzler’s log


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Thanks for the recipes!  

In terms of ginger and stuffiness... My mom did it, her mom did it... so now I just do it too :) If you like science maybe you'll enjoy this.  Maybe it is the anti-inflammatory nature that helps?  

I think one of the most useful things about journaling is what you just noticed.  It reminds you to pay attention to some of the less obvious changes that might result from a nutritional change!

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Day 20. Saturday, November 30.

When I was first starting, a lot of my mental energy went into thinking about the program, and it was easier to journal. I actually really like doing this, which is funny, It is one of those activities that is recommended for a 'happy' life, like sleep, giving, meditation. I never tried journaling because I disliked keeping a diary when I was young, but it is very different as an adult. Regardless, I am noticing that because the diet is not in my head as much, I don't remember to come into the forum until I am getting ready for bed, and I am tired. This doesn't really leave any time for reviewing the day, which is what I like best about it. Going forward, I think I will try and make journaling a scheduled part of my day, instead of trying to squeeze it in. 

No restless leg issues. 

M1: Creamy Tuscan Chicken, twice-baked potato

M2: 4-hour salad

M3: Creamy Tuscan Chicken, twice-baked potato. That's the last of it.


Day 21. Sunday, December 30.

No restless leg issues. 

M1: salmon, butternut squash, roasted cabbage

M2: 4-hour salad

M3: Paleo Zuppa Toscana

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Day 22. Monday, December 2.

First day back at work after 2 weeks PTO/holiday. Didn’t really get a chance to eat, but wasn‘t that hungry, either. Nice change from the first week when I was starving all the time!

They moved our holiday party to this week, dang it. One of the considerations when I started Whole30 was that it would be over before the holiday party. That’s a bummer, but I guess it works out for my diet. If I had known about the date change before Thanksgiving, I might have thrown in the towel. But since I’ve come thus far, I might as well go all the way.

Legs weren’t bothering me until 5 minutes ago. It looks like they are demanding some minimal level of effort in exercising. Fair enough.

M1: salmon, butternut, cabbage. I keep forgetting to add the walnuts in here.

M2: 4 hour salad

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Ha! Typed up yesterday's entry, but never submitted.

Day 23. Tuesday, December 3.

Felt upbeat today. Woke up a little earlier than normal, that was great, too.

No restless legs

M1: salmon, butternut, cabbage, walnuts

M2: Paleo Zuppa Toscana

M3: 4 hour salad

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