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Amount of fruit per day

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This is my second time doing the Whole30. I loved how I felt after my first time but always wondered whether I was eating too much fruit each day. Before starting my second round, I want to make sure I don’t overdo it. Please advise on daily guidelines for fruit, including dried fruit. Thanks!

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The meal template recommends having no more than two servings of fruit a day, where a serving of fresh fruit is the size of your closed fist. Servings of dried fruit are smaller -- picture how big the fruit would be if it weren't dried and base your servings on that. So one, maybe two, dried plums or apricots. Maybe a tablespoon or two of raisins or dried cranberries. 

This is not very exact, and if some days you have a little more, it's not a problem, because there will probably be days you have less or even no fruit. As long as you're not having fruit instead of meals, blending it into smoothies regularly, or having it for "dessert" after every meal, you're probably good.

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