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Worried about not stepping on the scale

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Hello,  I just started my first round ever of whole30 two days ago and the hardest thing about waking up on day three is not weighing myself. I am 55 pounds overweight, down 20 from my highest weight ever, so I know how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to lose.  I am used to weighing myself every day  since it was required for weight-loss program I participated in 2-3 years ago.  I am terrified that if I don’t step on the scale for 30 days, I could very well end up being much heavier in 30 days and that would be a very bad outcome for me. 

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Aw, sorry to hear that you're having that internal struggle. But what if you change your mindset and internal dialogue. if you are eating protein, veggies and good fats in a quantity that gets you 4-5 hours in between and allows you to feel well, sleep better, think clearer etc - would you change what you were doing because of what the scale said? Would you eat less and be more hungry and have less stable moods and less energy just to make the scale move? What would be the point in that? 

Also try and remember that the "optimal" weights that they say women should weigh do not take into consideration that women are not men. Are you 55# overweight? Specifically? Like if you lost exactly 55#, everything would be perfect? 

I'm not trying to give you a hard time, I promise. As I've aged and my life has changed I have gained weight too..........but it doesn't define who I am, it doesn't make me less loveable or more deserving of critique. This body you have has been with you through it all every single day of your life without fail. Be kind to it - speak nicely to it - don't submit it to a weigh in, instead submit it to a love-in. :) 


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