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On the verge of quitting...


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I am currently on my 2nd round of Whole30, Day 6. This is the closest I’ve been to quitting so far. I think the “Kill All The Things” phase just started for me, and all I want to do right now is chEAT. (I’m definitely an emotional eater.) The only thing I can think about right now is baking a pan of hot, gooey brownies. I planned on making my favorite healthy comfort meal for dinner to get me through the rest of the day, but turns out the local Walmart is CLOSED due to severe storms. (Definitely didn’t see that one coming!) I don’t really have time to shop anywhere else either...Any ideas on how to stay motivated and not give in to the temptation?

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For now, make the best meal you can with what you have on hand. If you have some kind of starchy vegetable, include that, and be sure you've got some fat in it too. When you can get to the store, then you can have that comfort meal, so you've got something to look forward to.

Once you've eaten, think about why you want to cheat. Is there some kind of stressors in your life you need to address? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating enough, and the right mix of things? Is it just that you've done this before and aren't as motivated this time around (which is pretty common)? Try to figure out why you feel this way, so you can decide how to fix it.


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Thanks for the advice! 

Once the cravings finally passed I realized they were probably a result of stress and food boredom. With a little bit of quiet time (and a LÄRABAR) I managed to make it through the evening without quitting:D

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Yes! You got through it! 

It's super tough when you have something in mind that you know will help give you a boost and then the plans fall through (dang you Walmart for closing! I mean, I get closing for storms but I've been in your position too!). 

I hope you're proud of yourself and counting that as a victory that even when things were not going your way, you toughed it out. :)

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