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Whole30 Valentine's Day

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Day 12 of my Whole30 (fourth or fifth iteration? I've lost count over the past few years!) and I have come across a dilemma - Valentine's Day. I have a very supportive boyfriend, which helps. We have decided that we will dine in this year which will relieve the stress of having to ask the restaurant specific details. Although he is not going through the Whole30 with me, he is happy to support my efforts and eats most of the meals I make for myself without much revision, though sometimes I throw in pasta or put the eggs in a tortilla for him.

The chocolate has never really appealed to me, and I have never been too fond of candy hearts but Valentine's Day is still proving to be difficult. My most difficult thing is that my favorite alcoholic drink in the world is Prosecco/Champagne. This holiday is one of the two that I would most associate with these drinks (the other being NYE, though Sunday brunch can be considered a holiday in and of itself here in D.C.).

When I find myself hating that I decided to do this diet during a holiday where I should be going out and having a lovely meal with my boyfriend (last year was sushi and it would be nice to make a tradition of it), I also find myself acknowledging that this loathing for missing out on a glass or two of my favorite drink is the precise reason that I need to do another Whole30. Just because I normally have a drink with my dinner doesn't mean I should have one, or that it is a good habit to have.

Thanks for letting me vent! Hopefully you guys have some advice and support on how to get through a Valentine's Day without chocolate, sweets, or champagne.


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This is my first Whole30 and one of my students bought me a box of chocolates, it was so sweet (literally!) and there was chocolate and candy everywhere that day/week. I wasn't super tempted but I even bought some Hershey kisses for my classes and I think the greatest temptation was buying/having it around myself vs. other people/places. My boyfriend is also super supportive and made dinner reservations at a restaurant he knew was accommodating but I ended up making a fancy meal for us instead. I am by no means an alcoholic and I probably don't drink more than 1-2 drinks a month when I am drinking but lately I've been craving a margarita, maybe from stress or just knowing I can't have one. Glad we both got through Valentine's Day compliant! :)

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