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As a Family... Whole30,Yes, WholeFamily, but the 7 yo thinks she’ll never...


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We started on February 5, and my oldest child and I are doing great but the younger two (mainly the 7yo) thinks the world is ending... the thing is she gets way more fruit than anyone else because she exerts more energy than the rest of us combined... I am using this to teach them to make better choices in their foods and snack habits. But the little, all she thinks of is will I ever get chocolate or ice cream “EVER” again... not to mention one of her friends told her “food will taste different” and you probably won’t like it anymore... my question is she is very picky, she doesn’t like most meats and well some vegetables she turns her nose too... besides the energy fruit is reall what she will eat... not nuts no problem for her she wont eat those or nut butter either... i think its a texture thing... does anyone have any suggestions? What can i get her to eat that is going against whole30...


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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

Hi @1colorfulmama! I have 7-year-old twins so I hear you that it can be a challenge when they are going through a picky phase. I have found that when my kids are involved with picking out foods, recipes, and even cooking they are more likely to try it. We also ask that they take a few bites at every meal. We call them "no thank you bites". The great thing is after a few tries, they often realize they like it. I have figured out that one of my twins likes his veggies better raw and will eat way more of them that way. He also went through a no meat phase and would only eat shrimp. My daughter went through an only meat phase. LOL. 

What meats and veggies does she like? How about salads? Soups? Happy to brainstorm more with you!

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