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Hello, I'm Rhonda. I'm new to sharing in any sort of forum, so I hope I have something worthwhile to share at some point. I'm not good at following thru with things, so I truly appreciate having this forum any any words of encouragement... I'm on day 6 already! I'm actually feeling like I am going to be able to do this! I'm getting ready to make my menu for the next 4 days & plot out my to-do's. So far, so good... Sending out happy vibes to y'all!

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach
5 hours ago, beachbaby said:

Hello, I'm Rhonda. I'm new to sharing in any sort of forum, so I hope I have something worthwhile to share at some point. I'm not good at following thru with things, so I truly appreciate having this forum any any words of encouragement... I'm on day 6 already! I'm actually feeling like I am going to be able to do this! I'm getting ready to make my menu for the next 4 days & plot out my to-do's. So far, so good... Sending out happy vibes to y'all!

Hi @beachbaby Rhonda! Way to go being on Day 6 already! I am glad you found this forum! Having support and encouragement goes a long way to being successful on your Whole30! You totally got this!

I love sharing recipes! Are there any you are looking forward to trying? Do you need any suggestions?  Just remember, not every meal (or any meal for that matter) needs to be complicated or fancy! Some of my favorite compliant meals are the easiest!




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Thank you @Terra Milliken for the encouragement! Today is day 9 for me & I truly can't believe it. Its so out of character for me! I'm going to be so bold as to say I am 100% certain that I am going to see this thru to the end of the 30 days, plus the reintro. I'm quite excited!!

I will admit that the flavor profile for the meals I've made so far is already starting to get kinda old for me. I love avocados & garlic, but right now I feel like I'm on overload with both of them. I need to pick dishes with different elements. I would love for you to share 1 or 2 of your favorite easy meal recipes with me. Thank you!


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@beachbaby here are two of my favorite recipes that I tried during my whole 30 and My kids still request them.  They are super easy and delicious

Sweet and sour chicken served with cauliflower rice and steamed broccoli 


Slow cooker pineapple pork -  I used the meat from

this for a bunch of different things.  Including salads, topping on baked potatoes, lettuce wrapped tacos, a quick heat and go breakfast.  It was super good and very versatile.  Made a lot of meat with very little effort.


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Hi I’m Jeri, this is my first post. I’m on Day 17! I’m starting to notice the NSV...less sinus congestion, better sleep, easier falling asleep, less brain fog. No Tiger Blood but I don’t feel droopy in the afternoon and that’s totally new! I have UC and Hashimotos and had eliminated gluten years ago but I wanted to see if this challenge would help identify other triggers and help me slay my very big sugar dragon! I also had a dental emergency my first week on W30 requiring an extraction! But I stuck to the plan! I just want people to know that they CAN do this! 

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Hi @JCar!

I'm very encouraged by your post. I'm at the end of day 11 & feeling pretty sluggish & foggy today. I too have Hashimotos & had just removed gluten prior to beginning my W30. I'm hoping for/looking forward to being less sluggish & having more mental clarity. So thank you for your input & cheering us on!

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I can honestly say I was sluggish until around day 13. There are a lot of phases that make people give up, so stick with it! I’ve battled my thyroid for almost 4 years now with constant rollercoaster labs and many med tweaks and never felt well. That and breaking up with my sugar dragon are what drove me to Whole30! Keep up the good work! 

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i think it takes a good two weeks for the body to get used to the program. If someone was eating a lot of the foods we eliminate, it might take longer. I don’t know if the word detox is correct, but it stands to reason your blood and gut have to adapt to less inflammatory and more beneficial foods. I’m not saying any of you were junk food junkies, but even going from gluten free grains and hidden additives and sugars to super clean is probably a shock to our systems! 

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 @JCar I was thinking the same thing. I'm not a TOTAL junk food junkie but I do have a serious addiction to sugar. I had wondered why I was still thinking about sugar and junk food on day 11. I wasn't necessarily craving, but noticing default behaviors automatically coming to mind. For example, I was making trail mix for my husband while I was hungry. I instinctively reached for the M&M's when it suddenly occurred to me that I cannot have M&M's. It's these types of automated behavior I want to break. At first I was bummed that I was still having these thoughts and tendencies. I started to worry that this meant I would probably revert to old behaviors/habits after my reintroductions. But then I remembered it takes about 17 days to form a new habit. That gave me added hope!!! I may actually conquer  (or at least tame...) my sugar dragon after all! 


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Practicing mindfulness during my whole 30 served me well afterwards.  I am more aware of my actions around food and I’m learning to ask myself questions to determine if I really do want that “m&m” or snack cake always on my moms table.  These things I did without thinking before, without considering if I even really wanted it.  So much of what I ate was mindless habit.  The opportunity to practice mindfulness is one of the many great benefits of the whole 30

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Ah yes, the mindless habit of grabbing a salty or sweet snack! I know it too well! I’m also using mindfulness and doing something experts suggest to do before reaching for food, drink water! You could really be thirsty, not hungry. And it kind of snaps you out of thinking about the food! I’m on Day 21 now and there’s no stopping me! Keep up the good work! We are worth it!!!

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I so appreciate the positive feedback & encouragement! Congrats @JCar for making it to day 21! You can pretty much see the finish line from where you are. Today is day 16 for me & I'm still in shock at my "stick-to-itiveness"! This is so out of character for me but I'm realizing that I'm stronger than I thought and that too often I cut myself short. This is a good boost to my self esteem. Anyway, I'm totally comitted to seeing this all the way thru to the end...

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I have tried many diets in my life and failed and felt terrible about myself for it. Something about this challenge spoke to me. Like you, I have surprised myself with my discipline! I’m on Day 23 now and yes only 7 more to go! While I’m looking at reintroduction tips, I’m fairly confident that I won’t be going back to my old habits. Will I ever eat sugar? Yes but not all day every day. Will I have pizza? Gluten free but yes I will. You got this! 

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