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Making the Commitment


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After some much sole searching, receiving some encouraging words on this forum, reading the Whole30-Day Guide book and all the PDF's, cleaning out my pantry, and spending 3 hours at the grocery store I have decided today is my day one! 

One or two things I have learned:

-I have done hard things and this one will not be one of them.  

-I thought I ate pretty healthy before but never realized that there is sugar in so many foods. I spent so much time at the grocery store reading labels and was SO surprised at the many, many things that have added sugar. Foods I never really even thought about!  

-If you are looking for inspiration, read through some of the testimonials on the forum for Whole30 success stories. I was convinced after reading several posts that this is right for me. 

So excited to share my journey with other followers!


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