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More than 30 days?


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Hello everyone! R3D25 here.

This round has been harder than the past two, and I'm guessing it is because I am post-COVID. I was hoping the decrease in inflammation would help my sense of smell and taste come back . I'm finally starting to get my energy back (maybe a hint of tiger blood) and I have stopped  menstrual spotting. My face is beginning to break out and I had that experience the first round. I'm sure my hormones are still regulating. My question is, could my body possibly need more than 30 days? My face is just starting to purge and I do not have my sense of taste or smell back. I know there is no guarantee that will happen, but I am wondering if other signs are trying tell me that I need more time to heal. Has anyone else had experience with that? How do you gauge if your body has more healing to do? Any feedback would be appreciated. 

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  • 1 year later...

Hello, hope now you feeling great! 

Covid is a serious stress for the body, and the most important thing is to give it a rest as much as it needs. If you have any signs that you didn't have before, see your doctor.

You asked how to determine that the body has recovered - I just wake up and understand that I feel better and I'm ready to train

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