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Day 28, I think


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I've been using the Whole30 Journal but I may have skipped a day or 2. I know I can go back and figure it out using my posts but I don't care, I think today is Day 28 and I'm sticking with it. 

I thought I would miss cheese more than I do but I can tell you the first thing I want to reintroduce is SUSHI! I was at the store late on Saturday after a long day of yard work and walked by the sushi counter. There was a sign that read "All rolls $5". I mean, seriously, it might as well have had my name on it! I think I stood there for a full one minute. Half price grocery store sushi almost won, but didn't. Other news, I know that I've dropped a pant size. Can't wait to get on the scale. Feeling good!

Full price sushi, it's me and you this weekend. 

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