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Hydrolyzed corn protein


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Is hydrolyzed corn protein okay? From my understanding it’s MSG and MSG is okay. But it’s also derived from corn and I realize corn is not okay. 

I’ve read this and even the corn derived MSG sounds compatible. https://whole30.com/msg/

I’m on day 2 of my first Whole30 and am trying to figure out if I can have turkey at my in-laws next weekend. They buy one of those pre-seasoned birds. If I were making the turkey I’d buy fresh but I’m not lol. They did send me the ingredient list and hydrolyzed corn protein was the only questionable ingredient. 

Appreciate any help I can get as I’ve spent way too much time trying to figure this out. 


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If an item has MSG listed on the package, we don't expect you to figure out what the MSG was derived from.  However, if a corn product is listed on the ingredients then you know that it's corn and since corn is out for the program, the item would be out.

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