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TMI-Did your bathroom habits change?


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This is not really a ladies only question, but I wasn't sure where else to ask. Did anyones bathroom habits change in the beginning? Yesterday was day 3 and I was running to the bathroom all day. I don't know if it was my system "cleaning" itself out, or if I just ate something that didn't agree with me, but my husband also had the same issues yesterday. I'm better today, just thought I'd ask!

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Im on day 6 and what I noticed the most and I know this sounds funny, but when I have to "use it" it smells like a fresh mowed lawn, and im in Minnesota in JANUARY!! there is NO grass!!! I am eating soooooooooooooooooo many vegetables! Its all been a little loose but I thought I was just adjusting.... Hoping it will get better later on.

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totally normal...digestive bacteria is fluctuating and finding a new balance. Give it some time and things should balance out within a few days.

If you are having trouble not going...magnesium (natural calm) is a generally a good way to help loosen things up. D&M take it as part of their every day supplements (and so do I).

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I am on day 18 and have had bathroom issues since the first or second day (running to the bathroom 10-15 minutes after eating, hasn't been solid since I started) . I thought it was my body simply getting used to things, but it's been 18 days!! I have not had issues like this before whenever I eat clean. It's worrisome.

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I am on day 16 and I have definitely had some strange "bathroom habits". This is a little TMI too, but my BM have been "greasy" and white looking. I read somewhere that that can be because my body is adjusting to the amount of fat in my diet now. Also that I am not absorbing the fat in my body as much as I should be. It's strange though because I have been taking digestive enzymes since day 1 (and before whole30 as well, I have never had good digestion). It seems to be getting a little better, but I am definitely still taking my digestive enzymes with every meal.

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Glad to know that I wasn't alone. It only lasted two days and I have been regular since. My hubby on the other hand has always had more losse BM's, and said that for the first time in YEARS with this program, they are more solid. Gross I know, but it's proof that the foods he was eating wern't agreeing with him. Hubby used to always get a pain in his stomach after he ate. He had his gall bladder removed a few years ago, but the pain remained. He said he has not had the pain ONCE since he started this program. I am so proud that he is seeing such great results, since his health his a bit worse than mine, so he has more to gain from this type of eating!

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If it's giving you that much trouble to digest, try taking a good probiotic. I was a big yogurt eater, but I still had a dramatic change when I took one. I'm serious - it'll take about a week for the digestive warfare to end and for your bacteria balance to get to a better place, but I am SO much more regular with it and just more normal. No more talkative guts, no more of a lot of problems! It'll also help keep you from getting yeast or candida infections!

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