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Adrenal Fatigue?

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I would love some feed back -

I'm on day 25 and for the most part I've felt good.

This past couple days I've been having what I would categorize as adrenal symptoms but they may not be; the primary symptom being that light headed or head rush feeling when I go from lying or sitting to standing. I've noticed it severely this morning during yoga, yesterday sailing and Tuesday @ the gym. This is new this past week or so. My activity level jumped up with the addition of sailing (the season started this past weekend) and also Bikram is a new addition but so far I've only done it twice a week apart.

Is this just a matter of running my fuel tanks too low? Should I up food? I would appreciate any suggestions..


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Thanks gogo - I upped my food (which of course meant more sweet tatters) - I had thought of the salt and upped that too - I think you hit the nail on the head - overall I have felt better

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