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My Scale


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As I undressed this morning, for the third day in a row, I knew there was a problem.

It started innocently, "just a little peek" and that was all it took. I thought I was mature enough to weigh. I did. I thought I had done so much internal work, that the number on the scale would not affect my mood, good or bad, in any way. How naive.

I am on day 12 of my Whole30. I am not the conceited type, but I really love my body. I even love it at this weight, but seeing the little digital number does something to me despite this. My body composition is changing in a dramatic way, so I expected that the scale would reflect this. I was so damn curious, I couldn't stand it! I guess that is when that voice started chiming in. The one that is super-optimistic when trying to talk you into old behaviors...

So. The scale is going to Goodwill in approximately half an hour with the load I have to drop off.

Do I need this number for anything? I have no business with the number. Do I need it to find clothing, or spell out my worth, or help me function in any way? No. Am I an athlete or body builder shooting for certain goals, or to monitor water loss during intense workouts? No.

I do not need to have this scale in the house. I don't want my daughter or son to start weighing themselves. The number will start to adjust as I stay consistently on this healthy path, but my health will be reflected in my skin, energy levels, mood, blood pressure, glucose readings.

I don't really feel all that filled with good will passing it along though. Hmm.

Who even invented the scale? How did we all get along for so long without weighing ourselves? It's a silly practice, really.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cnograts Rojo! And great original post. :) I need to remind myself as I continue with 15 more days added to my W30 after weighing in today & being slightly disapointed.

I have two very young girls (2 & 1) & I really don't want them to learn to obsess about the # on the scale like I often do.

But like torena, I will have to keep it around to know how much Tylenol / Advil to administer to my girls when they run a fever.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is awesome.

I'm so nervous to weigh myself at the end of this - but too curious not to. I think I'm going to write a list of positive exterior body changes I've noticed in the past month, so if the number is one I'm unhappy with, I can go back and read that list :)

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